Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16

We slept late this morning, and then it thundered for a long time, so I didn't get on the treadmill. I waited until 9:30 before giving up and going upstairs to get ready for the day. Naturally, though, it quit thundering shortly after I was dressed.

Mother and Sis came over and finished the jigsaw puzzle before lunch. And I finished my novel and started the third book in the "Twilight" series. This one is titled "Eclipse."

For lunch, we had turkey breast sandwiches, with cottage cheese and grape tomatoes, followed by fresh fruits for dessert...strawberries, grapes, and cherries. After lunch, Mother, Sis and I went to the Extension Services office for a scrapbook meeting. Mother and Sis made greeting cards at the meeting, while I finished scrapbook pages that we'd started last month.

There were five of us at the meeting, and we thoroughly enjoyed visiting. The new Extension Services agent came in to visit with us for a while, too. She's a very nice young woman, who seems energetic and enthusiastic about her job serving both Extension Homemakers and 4-H clubs.

She called me a couple of days ago, to see if I would be willing to judge art and photography at the fair next week, but we will be out of town at that time, so I had to decline. I also noted to her that the building that houses arts and crafts is broiling hot in summer, and I am not up for suffering the heat to act as a judge anymore. For years, Mother and I both served as superintendents of arts, crafts, canned goods, etc., in that building, and I have judged art and photography, as well as educational booths, but unless the fair board can cool that building, I will not volunteer my time there again.

The meeting ended about 3 p.m. On the way home, we stopped to buy a cantaloupe from a truck vendor. I got a huge one for $2.50. I was tempted to buy a watermelon, too, but resisted. When Hubbie saw the cantaloupe, he laughed, because while we were at the scrapbook meeting, he drove up the road to the vendor and bought three small cantaloupes for a dollar, plus a watermelon. Both Hubbie and I were thinking the same thing...get a cantaloupe for Shih Tzu, who loves them. Of course, Hubbie loves them, too, as do Mother and Sis. It's not my favorite fruit, but the locally grown ones are sweet and juicy enough for me to enjoy.

We were back home around 3:30, where we relaxed for a while and then gathered leftovers from the fridge to heat in the oven for supper. Besides sliced cold turkey, we had a choice of mashed potatoes and steamed new potatoes, stuffing, gravy, steamed yellow and zucchini squashes with carrots and onions added, and cranberry sauce.

After supper, we played several games of Skipbo. Sis and I each won two games, and Mother and Hubbie each won one. While we were playing, I got a call from the president of the community theater board. At a meeting a couple of months ago, it was mentioned that the organization could use a file cabinet for filing lighting gels, and I volunteered the one that has been sitting on our front porch forever (fortunately, tall bushes hid the eyesore from the street).
Anyway, the fellow who called asked if he and his son could come by and pick it up this evening.

They came by shortly afterward in a PT Cruiser. When they arrived, it began to lightening and thunder. For a while, I wasn't sure that the two of them plus Hubbie would be able to get that old, very heavy file cabinet into the back of the car, and I was edgy, too, that they had to handle the metal monstrosity in the lightening. But fortunately they managed it without incident. The file cabinet is ugly in the extreme, but it'll only be seen at the community theater building , which houses sets, costumes, and other theater paraphernalia.

We continued our game after that, stopping later for a snack of slices of pumpkin pie with dollops of whipped topping. Shortly after that, Mother and Sis went to Mother's house, and Hubbie and I watched a one-hour show on TV.