Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday, July 12

An unexpected thunderstorm cropped up about 1 a.m. this morning. Hubbie and I might have slept through it, except the TV meteorologist in our capital city called to warn us of it. It was an automated call that I signed up for, whereby the meteorologist calls if our specific area is threatened with thunderstorms, or if we're under a tornado warning.

Hubbie and I jumped out of bed to dress and go downstairs and watch the weather report on TV. We wanted to be in street clothes if for some reason we needed to leave the house. In my hurry to get downstairs, I pulled on my t-shirt as I rushed down the hall, managing on the way to whack my elbow on a what-not shelf hanging on the wall. My elbow is already starting to bruise and will probably be nice and purple by tomorrow morning when I go to water aerobics.

The storm didn't last very long, and even though the wind blew hard, it left only leaves and a few small limbs in the yard. But it did dump about two inches of badly needed rain, thank goodness. However, when I went back to bed, I was unable to go back to sleep until around 3 a.m. So I was pretty groggy when we got up this morning around 7:30.

Still, after a cold cereal breakfast, I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises. After that, it was business as usual for a Sunday...programming the DVR for the week's shows and movies, and reading the Sunday paper. I also continued planning meals and making lists for the two upcoming trips.

Lunch today was braised pork chops, baked potatoes, a package of Carribean blend frozen veggies steamed in the microwave, and sliced tomatoes. It was all very tasty. Afterwards, Hubbie, Mother, and I went to the camper to sort through drawers and cabinets and take out what was not needed, as well as throw out expired stuff, like OTC meds. Nothing is left in the medicine cabinet now except Bandaids and dental floss.

Then Mother went home, and Hubbie and I read our novels for a while. I finished the first novel in the "Twilight" series, and began the second one, "New Moon." Mid-afternoon, when our eyes got droopy from reading, we decided to watch a murder mystery I'd recorded on DVR.

Later, Hubbie fixed grilled cheese sandwiches for our supper, which we had with bowls of fresh fruit we'd cut up while we were watching the afternoon movie. Following supper, we watched a forgettable movie and a one-hour show.

At the eagle nest: the eaglet is making frequent flights to the top of the post adjacent to the nest. It's a short distance, but he does have to flap his wings and lift off a few feet to get up there. The mother visited the nest a few times, but stayed only briefly before flying off again. If she brought food at any time, I didn't see it. She did bring a fish yesterday and fed it to the eaglet, and she surely must have brought food today while I wasn't looking.