Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday, July 11

I skipped my exercises this morning in favor of shopping for groceries. Since we slept late, it was about 9 a.m. before we were ready to leave the house. We stopped first at the grocery store that sells my favorite brand of cottage cheese (the last carton I bought was used in the lasagna). From there, we went to the WDCS for the rest of the groceries. We shopped both for us and for Mother, who is becoming more and more reluctant to go to that store.

We were back home around 10:30, and spent a little while reading our novels before fixing ourselves PB&J sandwiches for an 11:30 lunch. We ate early because we needed to leave around noon to get to the local college around 12:15 for a children's theater performance, for which Hubbie and I served as ushers. Mother went with us, too.

The script for the play was written by a young female member of our community theater board, and it was directed by her sister. I didn't know what to expect, but it was pretty good. The colorful costumes were good too. The set was minimal, but adequate. There was a scant audience for today's 1 p.m. performance, but we were told that several hundred children attended the Thursday and Friday afternoon shows. I hope there is a good turnout for the perfromances this evening and tomorrow afternoon.

We were back home by 2 p.m., and spent an hour or so reading before having a supper of leftover lasagna, with sliced tomatoes and cottage cheese on the side. Mother joined us for supper.

It has been overcast most of the day, and it even sprinkled a little, but yearned-for rain never materialized. The gardens and yard are in desperate need of rain, but it appears we won't get any for a while. Hubbie has been keeping the sprinklers going every evening.

The Laura Bush Texas petunia seems already to be taking root and has put on a few brilliant pink flowers since Hubbie planted it yesterday. It's a truly amazing, rapid-growing plant.