Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday, July 6

After four days away from the swimming pool, it was hard to get up at 6:30 this morning to get ready for water aerobics. And then the pool was chillier than it has been. The pool maintenance guy said that today the water was 84 degrees, which is the proper temperature. The reason it was warmer before (86 or 87 degrees) was a faulty heater. That has been corrected, so we can expect the water to be cooler, now. Oh, well.

Our aerobics leader played a pop music CD to exercise by, and one of the songs was a Michael Jackson number. "Oh, I didn't realize that one was on there. By the way, has everybody heard that Michael Jackson died?" she asked, facetiously, knowing that, as Hubbie put it, a person would have to be unconscious to NOT have heard about it, since most TV news time is being monopolized with stories of Jackson.

One of the ladies at aerobics arrived with a large, purple bruise on her chin. She explained that she had fallen on her face on the concrete floor of her garage. Ouch. It's a wonder she didn't break bones in her face.

One or another of us ladies can be counted on to come to aerobics with a ding or other problem. Last week, one lady showed up with a large patch of red rash under one eye and down her allergy, her doctor said. I suspect it might have been poison ivy. But a prescribed ointment cleared it up.

I, of course, frequently sport bruises on my arms and legs. Right now, I have one on my back, but fortunately, it's below my swimsuit line.

After I got back home and ready for the day, Hubbie and I ran a grocery store/pharmacy to pick up a prescription and buy-one-get-one-free packages of shredded mozzarella cheese. I got four packages, three of which will go in the freezer. The store also had bananas at 39 cents a lb. So I got two bunches, one for us and one for Mother.

Then we went to the WDCS for regular groceries. Mother sent her list with us, too. At that store, we noticed a young woman covered in tattoos. They were all over her arms and legs (and probably in other places not on display) in ugly profusion. Her husband (at least I supposed he was her never know these days) had one or two, also, but not like her. They had two small kids in tow. What is this young lady thinking, to do this awful thing to herself?

We got home from shopping around noon. Mother had heated the remainder of the barbecue and sauce, which we had with the last of the salads. After lunch, Hubbie measured the pantry in the camper so we could get plastic totes for organizing the area. Then we were off again to WDCS to see if we could find what we needed. We did.

While we were there, I saw a folding dolly with basket that I figured would work to wheel our totes of scrapbooking supplies to club or other meeting places. It would save me having to make several trips to the van to carry stuff in. When we got back home, Hubbie measured my totes to see if they'd fit in the basket of the dolly, and they will. So next time I'm at the store, I want to get one.

For supper, we decided to have stirfry. But wouldn't you know it, we had everything we needed except soy sauce, which required another trip to the grocery store, of course. The stirfry over brown rice was good. I'd cooked the rice earlier in the afternoon in the rice cooker. I cooked enough to have for a couple of other meals this week...with chicken casserole, and with leftover stirfry one night.

Later, we watched a couple of movies: "Miss Marple," from the public television channel, and then a premium channel film called "Turbulence," starring Ray Liotta and Lauren Holly. This 1997 film, rated "R" for language and an abundance of violence, is an air disaster movie in which a psychotic killer (Liotta) takes over a passenger plane and proceeds to kill everybody in sight (though there are only a handful of passengers, along with pilots and other staff). A flight attendant has to land the plane.