Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday, July 10

Whew! It's been a busy day. It started with water aerobics, of course. Water had been added to the pool since last Wednesday, so it felt chillier. But it was still good, once I got used to it. Lots of ladies are attending on these hot, summer days. About 30 of us crowd the shallow end of the pool for aerobics. I spend about 30 minutes before aerobics swimming in the deep end.

Today, one of the ladies brought me cuttings of Laura Bush Texas petunias, which she said are very hardy and propagate rapidly. She got a planter of the flowers for her birthday a couple of weeks ago, and already they had grown so much that she was able to give away cuttings. Hubbie immediately planted the cuttings in a pot and put it in the sun outdoors, which was recommended by a website I visited to learn more about the plant.

I got a call from Mother's doctor's office, letting me know a prescription for a transport chair was faxed to a pharmacy/medical supply business. So after lunch, Hubbie and I went to the business to get paperwork underway to Medicare and Mother's insurance company to pay for the chair. But we were told that the company that manufactures the chair no longer accepts Medicare, as of June 30. If the doctor hadn't drug her feet getting the prescription out, we could have had the chair a couple of weeks ago, with Medicare approval.

However, the guy at the pharmacy told us that another medical supply business in town had chairs by a manufacturer who still accepts Medicare. So we took the prescription there, and had no problem ordering a chair. It won't be here until Monday, but that's okay. We won't really need it until the week after next, when we plan to go to a grape festival in a hill town of our state.

Before we went to the pharmacy, we stopped by a post office box to mail a letter. It was then that I realized I had forgotten to get Mother's Medicare card and insurance card for the chair, so we had to come back by the house for those.

Once we got the chair ordered, we went on to the flea market that wasn't open yesterday. Today, it was open, and in scouting the numerous booths, we found a Corning Ware baking dish with lid for $7.95 that is the same size as the one at home. The lid has a chip on the top, but it'll be okay. As we were paying for it, I pointed out the ding in the lid, and the lady mentioned that a vendor at another booth had Corning Ware lids for sale. She showed them to me, and there was one that was the right size for only $1. I bought it, but I wish we'd known about it before we paid for the other dish. Oh well, we frequently use our Corning Ware, so it's fine that we have an extra. We might even consign it to the camper.

Back home, we got a call from one of the Master Gardeners. At the MG meeting yesterday, he'd mentioned to Hubbie that he had an abundance of tomatoes and was willing to sell some of them, and he would call Hubbie next time he picked them. He picked them today. So off we went to fetch some. We bought ten pounds at seventy-five cents a pound, way below what we've been paying for them. We have plenty now for the coming week, while Sis is here.

From there, we went to a nearby town to get a watermelon from our favorite farmer. Unfortunately, he wasn't vending today, so we stopped at another farmer's house that advertised melons. All he had left were yellow meat ones, but we bought one to try. He also had yellow summer squash and zucchini squash, so we bought some of those for a steamed veggie supper next week.

By about 4;30 p.m., we were back home, finally. I mixed a double batch of pancake batter for our supper. I had hoped there would be enough in a double batch to freeze some to take on one of our trips. There were a few pancakes left after we ate, but not enough for another meal. So we'll need to make up an extra batch in a few days for the freezer. The pancakes, made with a mix of white and wheat flours, were very good.

Mother especially enjoyed them. She said it'd been a long time since she'd had pancakes, because she doesn't make them just for her when she's at home. I'll remember that the next time we have them, and make enough to send to her house. We usually have them on Sunday evenings, when Mother is not here to join us for supper.

After supper, Hubbie and I went downtown for the second Friday "Wander and Wonder" event, where we wandered and wondered why no businesses were open. Not much was going on down from a local dance studio were performing in the pocket park, and the art gallery was open, where there was colored chalk for kids who wanted to draw on the sidewalk out front, but only a couple of kids took advantage of that. A restaurant was open, hosting a private party, and a music theater that charges admission featured a bluegrass entertainer. But the new antique mall, that I hoped to visit, was closed.

This is the one year anniversary of the event, but I think the idea is going to fizzle if the businesses don't cooperate, and more entertainment is not offered. We arrived at the event about 6:15, and were back home in front of the TV by 7:15. Last year at this time, there was a lot going on down there, which drew crowds of folks looking for free entertainment on a summer evening.