Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday, July 5

We slept until nearly 8 a.m. this morning, and since I didn't exercise yesterday, I hopped on the treadmill after breakfast, and then did weights exercises. Mother came over to read the Sunday paper, while I was getting ready for the day.

After I set the DVR for the shows and movies this week, Mother and I watched the Fourth of July celebrations from Boston and Washington, D.C., that I'd recorded on the DVR while we were gone to see our town's fireworks display down at the river last night.

Lunch today was leftover barbecue and accompaniments from yesterday. Afterwards, Mother and I planned the coming week's menu, plus the menu for our trip to the grape festival later this month.

After that, Mother went home, and Hubbie and I watched "Mrs. McGinty 's Dead," a Hercule Poirot mystery from public television. Then we watched "Reign of Fire," a PG-13 movie starring Christian Bale and Matthew McConoughey as dragonslayers in a world threatened with extinction.

Later this evening, around 8:30 p.m., Hubbie, Mother, and I went over to the college to see an outdoor movie, "Hairspray." This movie, rated PG, and starring John Travolta, Michelle Pffeifer, and Queen Latifah, is a musical described as a "thought provoking exploration of prejudice and racism." It's serious message is cloaked in comedy, though.