Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kittens Lost, Kittens Found

You'll remember that after we saved the kittens from near drowning in a thunderstorm a few days ago, we put them in a box in the sunroom, and brought Mama Cat in to tend to them. During the night, she clawed her way out of the sunroom through a screen in a window, so, figuring that Mama Cat was not one bit satisfied with the new digs, we moved the kittens to the garage, where Hubbie put them in an old cabinet drawer.

Then he tried to keep track of them, even whacking his eye on a yard wagon handle when he bent down in the dark to check on them. But after a couple of days, Mama Cat had moved all the kittens to an unknown location, where we were afraid we would not be able to come in contact with them to tame them and make them suitable to give away. Well, this morning, Hubbie came in from the sunroom and said, "You won't believe where the kittens are." I shrugged, indicating I didn't have a clue. "They're under the hot tub!" he laughed.

Seems Mama Cat had brought the kittens from the garage right back into the sunroom, through the hole she'd clawed in the screen. This photo shows three of them tumbling out of their hiding place to greet us.

While I was taking this picture, I noticed there were grains of mouse and rat bait under the tub, so Hubbie quickly got a hand vacuum and cleared it away. We sure wouldn't want the kittens trying to eat that when they are weaned. We've decided not to move them right now, though we will probably have to when they get a bit older.