Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday, August 11

After my usual morning routine, I began searching for things to contribute to a yard sale being sponsored by Caring Hands Hospice. Mother came over mid-morning, and we priced the items I'd gathered, plus things she'd found at her house. Among the things we found to donate are paperback books, books on tape, craft magazines, some craft kits, jigsaw puzzles, a toaster, a pair of bathroom scales (both of which work, but just aren't suited to our needs), and other miscellaneous things.

Since nothing was scheduled for the afternoon, I read my novel for an hour or so. I want to finish this last in the "Twilight" series before we go pick up the camper when it's repaired, so we can deliver the four novels back to Hubbie's sister, who lives in the same town as the RV repair shop.

At 5 p.m., I went to an art gallery committee meeting. After I got back home at 6 p.m., we had a supper of braised pork chops, baked sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables and applesauce. Then I went to a community theatre board meeting at 7 p.m. The community theatre board changed its meeting time from 7:30 to 7 p.m. last month, which suits most of the board members, but will rush me.

Earlier today, the president of the board called to ask if I'd serve as secretary this year. I told him I preferred not to, but would do it if no one else would agreed to do it. He did find someone else, but she is ill tonight and couldn't attend, so I ended up taking minutes after all. My handwriting has always been bad, but is getting worse, thanks to some arthritis in my right hand thumb, so that half the time I can't read my own notes. I'll need to transcribe within a couple of days if I hope interpret the meeting minutes.

Funny: there is an exhibit at the art gallery by a man who does very unusual and strange work, much of it painted on very dark backgrounds. Today, someone came into the gallery to view the exhibit. After a few minutes, he stopped to study what looked to him like an exhibit on the floor. Frowning, he finally asked the gallery director what the exhibit meant. It was all the director could do to keep a straight face as she explained that the black oblong tub, sitting on a black plastic bag, and containing four bottles of water, with a "$1 per bottle" sign on the front, was exactly what it seemed...a tub to hold iced bottles of water that were offered for sale at the outdoor movie Saturday night.