Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday, August 20

I skipped my exercises this morning, thanks to a thunderstorm. I slept until nearly 8:30, so by the time I got ready for the day, it was pretty late. One of the scrapbook club members called to say she didn't want to get out in the weather to attend the meeting. I tried to call another member who attends regularly, but couldn't reach her. I also didn't hear from a new member. So Mother and I were undecided if we should go or not.

Hubbie fixed us a lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches, after which we decided we'd go ahead to the Extension Office to see if anyone would show up for the meeting. Just after 1 p.m., the other regular member drove up, so the three of us spent two hours on our projects. Mother and I finished the scrapbook pages we'd started this week, and the other lady made greeting cards for her church.

Sis e-mailed this morning to let us know she'd be coming to visit for a couple of days. She wasn't here when we got back from the scrapbook meeting at 3 p.m., but she had arrived by the time Hubbie and I came back from running errands. Today's errands included taking my wristwatch to a jeweler's to have the battery replaced, and to the WDCS for a few groceries.

By this time, it was 4:30 p.m., and Mother had put leftover pork roast, mashed potatoes, and carrots and onions in the oven for supper. Sis brought a couple of loaves of homemade bread, and we enjoyed slices of one of them with our meal just after 5 p.m.

Later, Mother and Sis worked on a jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I watched a movie, "Love Story: Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story." This unrated 1978 movie stars Blythe Danner and Edward Hermann. Lou marries Eleanor despite his domineering mother. The marriage only lasts a few years before Lou succumbs to amyotropic lateral sclerosis (now known as Lou Gehrig's Disease).

The second movie we watched was, "In the Time of Butterflies," rated PG-13. It's a true story of sisters who become revolutionaries and leaders in a plot to assasinate the cruel Dominican Republic dictator and predator of women, Trujillo, who ruled from 1930 to 1961.