Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday, January 14

Slept til 8 a.m. again, and then did my usual treadmill session and resistance exercises. Mother came over mid-morning, but we didn't do much.

After lunch, we went to our favorite electronics store to see what surround sound systems they have that would suit our flat screen TV. The owner of the store suggested that we should consider buying a particular top brand at a warehouse store. He has recently purchased this system for his own home and says it's the difference between night and day for clarity of sound compared to other systems.

While he has a less expensive system in his store, he wanted us to get a better quality one that we'll be more satisfied with. He said the system is easy to install, but that he'd be glad to come and install it for the price of a service call.

We plan to shop in a town that has a warehouse store next Tuesday, so we'll check out the systems then.

While we were in the other town, we browsed through a flea market that is near the electronics store, where I was looking for attractive bottles to put my bath salts in, and there were a couple that would do, but the prices were too high. The bottles had nice shapes, but they were just old bottles. I guess if a seller terms something "collectible," it places a greater value on it. Not to me.

After we got back home, I went upstairs to my office computer and cleaned out old e-mails. I really should do this daily, but somehow it just builds up until it's a major task by the time I move some of them to folders, like some letters from friends that I want to keep and review, business e-mails that I need to refer to from time-to-time, and e-mails that contain snapshots of grandkids and great-grandkids.

Supper tonight was Salisbury steaks, with leftover mashed potatoes, canned spinach (for Hubbie and me), and canned Lima beans (for Mother, who doesn't like spinach).

After that, Mother went home, and Hubbie and I settled in to watch TV, including our favorite college basketball team, as they played to a loss. We began to fear that they would lose by a wide margin, but in the last minutes they caught up to within four points before losing by a mere two points.