Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, Feb. 12

We were up around 8 a.m. this morning, and I did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. I didn't accomplish much after that. I got caught up in watching an Animal Planet show with Hubbie about training unruly dogs, and it was 10:30 before I went upstairs to get ready for the day.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands. There is still snow on the ground, in patchwork patterns on the lawns, and in dollops on the branches of shaded cedar trees, as well as slathered on the tops of shrubs. The temperature is supposed to rise significantly in the next few days, though, so the snow should soon be nothing but a memory.

First, we went to a local college gallery to see a Small Works on Paper exhibit, on tour from our Capitol City art museum. A favorite local artist, who serves with me on our art gallery committee, is featured in the exhibit.

There was a wonderful variety of works in the exhibit, from film, Polaroid, and digital photography, to graphite and pencil, to watercolors, to screen prints. I thoroughly enjoyed the special talents of our state's artists.

From the gallery, I intended to go to the Caring Hands office to leave the 20 Valentine cards that Mother and I made this week, but I forgot to bring them along with me. I even put them on the counter next to my purse so I wouldn't forget them, and then I forgot them anyway! I don't know where my mind goes, sometimes.

So we swung back by the house to pick them up, and then we headed back to the Caring Hands office. The director was excited to get the cards, and asked that we also make "thinking of you" and sympathy cards, when we have time.

Our last stop was at the WDCS for a few grocery items before returning home. Mother was here when we got back. She had cut up and sauteed onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms for making omelets for supper.

We spent part of the afternoon gathering materials for creating scrapbook pages, in anticipation of a scrapbook club meeting next week. This time, we'll do pages on our visit to see the trumpeter swans, and the recent snowstorms.

Later, we enjoyed the omelets for supper, with sauteed potatoes and biscuits. Funny: a few minutes before the boil-in-a-freezer-bag omelets were done cooking, I started to put the pan of biscuits in the oven, but discovered the oven was cold. Mother thought she had turned the oven on in ample time for it to heat to the required temperature, but what she had actually done was set the temperature dial and then switched the other dial to "clean" instead of "bake." So, since we had to wait for the oven to heat and the biscuits to bake, it was a few minutes later than usual before we sat down to eat. It was a blooper kind of day.

Mother went home after supper, and Hubbie and I watched TV, as usual. We began with the movie, "You Kill Me," an R-rated comedy-drama starring Ben Kingsley and Dennis Farina. An alcoholic hit man is given the ultimatum to get sober or else by his boss. So he attends Alcoholics Anonymous, and gets a job in a mortuary. He falls in love, and eventually reveals himself and his work (as an assassin) at AA meetings.