Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, Feb. 9

We slept til around 8:30 this morning, and then right after breakfast, I got dressed and went outside to do photos. It was miserably cold, with a slight wind that cut right through my jeans. My body was warm enough, covered as it was in several layers of clothes and a coat, scarf, and hat. But my exposed fingers in the fingerless gloves got uncomfortably cold within a few minutes. I can see how frostbite occurs very rapidly to exposed flesh in freezing temps. The wind chill factor was eight degrees this morning, and my hands couldn't tolerate it long.

There is still quite a bit of snow on the ground, though some of it melted yesterday into puddles that froze overnight. I walked on the crunchy snow to keep from slipping on the frozen puddles. All I would need is to fall and break something!

The trees were still lovely this morning, with bare branches decorated in snow, but when the temperature rose this afternoon, frozen snow clods began dropping from the trees, and sounded like baseballs being tossed onto the roof of the house.

I got some pleasing shots that were enhanced by sunshine and blue skies (see previous blog). After I came back inside, I loaded the photos into my computer, and then changed into exercise shorts and t-shirt for a session on the treadmill. I finished the session with weights exercises.

By the time I got ready for the day, it was lunch time. We settled for deli turkey sandwiches with cottage cheese, and then Hubbie went to help Mother walk to our house. We didn't have a project planned for this afternoon, but I did decide to clean the veggie drawer in the refrigerator, where some veggies had gone south. Mother cut up the salvageable veggies and sauteed them as a side dish for supper.

I didn't accomplish much else, except making an appointment with my hairdresser for next week, and talking with the arts council director, who called to let me know tonight's visual arts meeting was cancelled, and then calling the lady at whose home the community theater board meets to let her know I probably would not bestir myself into the cold to attend tonight's meeting.

Most meetings and events scheduled for this week, including Second Friday downtown, have been cancelled. So I don't know why the president of the community theater board didn't cancel tonight's meeting. One of the alternate water aerobics leaders even called to say sessions are cancelled for the rest of this week and will resume on Monday.

Later, I uploaded winter pics to the one-hour service, and then read the local evening newspaper and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. Supper tonight was leftover chili mac, with the sauteed veggies, cole slaw, and cottage cheese.

After supper, I walked Mother home, and then Hubbie and I did the usual...watched TV. No movies tonight, just one-hour shows that I'd recorded on DVR.