Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Another beautiful day, though the skies puckered up later this afternoon, bringing a threat of thunderstorms later tonight.

We were up about 8 a.m. this morning. I slept well last night, probably because we opened the sliding glass door to bedroom, which eliminated the stuffiness. Also, the cats must have accomplished their mission, because they were quiet.

Since there was no water aerobics this morning, I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day and finished her jigsaw puzzle. It was an easy one, with only 300 pieces.

I did this and that for the rest of the morning, including checking e-mail, where I learned that the high school classmate who has been terminally ill with cancer died this morning. Naturally, that cast a pall over my day, since I kept thinking about him and his family. I was advised that his funeral will probably be Monday, though I don't know if I will be able to attend.

After a PB&J sandwich lunch, I boiled eggs to devil for Easter dinner. Sis, who will be the only guest that day, doesn't like eggs, but there will be plenty of other dishes that she will like. I also baked an angel food cake, which we'll have with strawberries on Sunday.

Hubbie arranged this afternoon to have a load of topsoil delivered for the veggie gardens, and then he transferred it wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow to the gardens, mixing it with compost. He and Mother should soon be ready to put the first of the veggies...onions and lettuce...into the garden.

While he did that, Mother cleaned a small flowerbed of violets, while I took pictures of those delicate little flowers, as well as of tulips (see previous blog).

Later, I took Mother to the optician to have her glasses adjusted. She said she's been having trouble with them for a few days, because they were lopsided on her face. Wish she'd mentioned this earlier, since it was an easy problem to solve.

Supper tonight was baked Parmesan talapia fish, and Parmesan potatoes, along with leftover crowder peas. We don't know how we ended up planning two Parmesan dishes for the same meal, but that sort of thing happens sometimes. We'll plan three tomato-based meals, or spaghetti and lasagna , or pork chops followed by pork roast in the same week without realizing it.

Mother went home after supper, and Hubbie and I watched TV, starting with a History Channel program on the Shroud of Turin, in which a 3-D analysis is conducted, resulting in a startlingly lifelike computer generated image.

From the sublime to the ridiculous, we then watched the 2008 movie, "Direct Contact," an R-rated (for violence and language) action/adventure film starring Dolph Lundgren. An ex-special forces operative must rescue a kidnapped woman in Russia, but soon discovers that the kidnapping is a ruse. Lots of fighting, killing, explosions and the like. Guy stuff.

Followed that with an episode of "Ghost Whisperer."

At one point this afternoon, there was a loud, crashing noise that caused us all to just about jump out of our skins. I went outside to see if a large limb had hit the house, but could find nothing. Later, I went upstairs and noticed that the bedroom door was closed...apparently, it had slammed shut in the wind coming through the open sliding glass door.