Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Camping Trip, Day Five, July 31

Sunday, July 31: Up fairly early to get ready for the trip home. I had trouble falling asleep last night, so I had a cup of caffeinated coffee to keep me alert, since I was to drive the van. We were on the road by around 9 a.m.

Today, Mother's cat whined only a little while before settling down. It was an uneventful four and a half hour trip (with a stop for lunch), except for a time when I had to brake for traffic, and the pet carrier flipped over on its side, startling the cat. I think the cat must have been standing with paws against the side of the carrier, which unbalanced it. It's a canvas carrier that is easy to tip over. Anyway, I had to pull off the side of the road and right the carrier.

We arrived home around 2 p.m. It was extremely hot for unloading the camper, but we got it done in a couple of hours. Then we washed a bunch of loads of clothes and just generally got organized again before we had a supper of leftover meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn and green beans.

As the afternoon wore on, we realized that our air conditioner wasn't working correctly, and the house was remaining quite warm. At bedtime, we decided to stay in the camper rather than sweat the night away in the house.