Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday, Sept. 12

Slept late this morning, until around 8:30, then did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day and put a pot of chicken on to stew.

After I programmed the DVR for this week's shows and movies, I spent the rest of the morning finishing my project of cleaning and organizing the closet in the spare bedroom. Everything is now neatly contained in clear plastic totes...Christmas flowers and other decorative items, silk flowers, homemade paper making supplies. Now, if I get in a mood to craft, I'll know exactly where my supplies are. Nothing discourages me more from starting a project than not being able to readily turn up the supplies needed.

For lunch, we had the stewed chicken with leftover steamed potatoes (which Mother had sauteed), squash, coleslaw, and sourdough bread.

Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie went out to the yard to mow the lawn, while I photographed flowers (see previous blog).

Later, we watched the 2002, R-rated, movie, "The Badge," starring Billy Bob Thornton, Patricia Arquette, Sela Ward, and William Devane. A Louisiana sheriff with a prejudice against gays investigates the death of a transsexual, and finds high ranking officials might be involved.