Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday, Nov. 28

Up around 8 a.m., and did a treadmill session after breakfast. Mother and Sis came over mid-morning and worked on a jigsaw puzzle. Once I was ready for the day, I did this and that household chores around the house.

Hubbie removed the fall decorations from the mantel, but then was unable to find the plastic tote to store them in. We never did find it. Guess we stored something else in it. We finally decided to go to the WDCS later this evening and buy another one.

After a soup and barbecue sandwich lunch, Mother and Sis returned to the jigsaw puzzle. While they did this, Hubbie set up the living room Christmas tree. As I feared, the black cat immediately became fascinated with it and began trying to explore it. Scolding him didn't do the trick, Mother, Sis, and I took turns wielding a yardstick to tap him with each time he approached it. So far, he has steered clear of it.

Mother and Sis returned to the puzzle, while Hubbie and I trimmed the tree...took us a couple of hours, but it's glowing prettily now. This is Hubbie's favorite tree, since it is decorated in mainly white ornaments, including clear lights, white silk poinsettias, pearl garlands, and clear and white ornaments.

Once the tree was decorated, we took a dessert break...slices of pumpkin pie, with hot chai tea. Then Sis packed up to make the two-hour trip back home. Mother went to her house, and Hubbie and I went to the WDCS before settling in front of TV.

A beautiful sight on the way home from the WDCS: a flight of hundreds of birds (starlings?) dipping and rising in undulating waves across the twilight sky against deep pink and blue/black clouds set glowing by the fading sun.