Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, Nov. 18

Up around 7:30. Hubbie was gone...he took one of the cats to the vet to be spayed. This is the last cat to be spayed or neutered. No more kittens around here! He returned a few minutes before 8 a.m.

After breakfast, I did a treadmill session and weights exercises. Once I was ready for the day, I prepared a couple of beef roasts with garlic, onions, and vinegar to marinate for cooking Saturday.

Mother came over mid-morning, but we didn't do much before lunch. I fixed omelets with mushrooms, onions, and cheese for lunch. Mother and I shared an omelet, which we had with slices of toast and jelly, and hot coffee.

Around 12:45, one of our scrapbook club members came by, and I drove the three of us to our meeting at the Extension Services office. Another member was already there, and the fifth member arrived shortly afterward.

We all worked on various projects until around 2:45. Except for a little journaling, I finished the scrapbook pages of my high school class's 50th reunion. Mother still has a few pages to do on Niece's wedding. One member worked on Christmas cards for sending money gifts to her family, and the other two worked together on a heritage scrapbook to be given as a Christmas gift to the children of one of them (the women are sisters-in-law). We got a lot done today.

Mother went home after we got back, and Hubbie and I changed clothes to go to a soup/chili supper, bake sale, and silent/live auction at my alma mater college. There were about a dozen varieties of soups and chilies, including salmon-corn chowder, clam chowder, lamb stew, and several types of chili. All were being judged for a prize of a pewter Christmas ornament featuring one of the buildings on campus. I tried small samples of several of the soups/chilies, but my favorite was the salmon-corn chowder (which was also the winner of the prize). We know the lady who made the chowder, so I asked for the recipe, which she is to send to me.

At the bake sale, I bought a loaf of Casserole Swedish Rye Bread (something I've never tried), and six yogurt/nuts/Craisins mini-muffins. At the silent auction, we got a beautiful wooden inlaid cutting board (loaf of yeast bread included), made by an aquaintance, a black patent leather purse, a hand-decorated Christmas box, and a stuffed bunny. The bunny is intended as a gardener's decoration. It stands about a foot and half tall, with green gardening clothes, holding a spade. This might become part of a Christmas gift for the Master Gardeners.

The Christmas box is one that was decorated for the art gallery for one of its fundraisers, but it didn't sell (it's a bit gaudy), so the gallery donated it to the college library for the silent auction. No one bid on it, so I bid one dollar and got it. It'll make a good gift pack box at Christmas.

It was a fun event that ended around 7 p.m. I enjoyed visiting with folks, including a friend who works in the library at the college, and who was a student of mine when I taught a photography course there. I hated to learn, though, that her husband (a long-time smoker) was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. A portion of one lung was removed, but tests show that the cancer has spread to his lymph nodes. Chemo is the remaining option, which he does not want. So he and my friend are planning to fulfill his "bucket list," including making a long-desired trip to Belize.

When we got back home, there was a message on our phone saying that our cat would be ready to pick up anytime tomorrow. It was a busy surgery day for the vet, so he didn't get around to spaying the cat until late this afternoon. We had hoped the surgery would be done this morning so we could bring her back home this afternoon. This is the cat that is nearly blind, and we hated to leave her there alone all day and night. She's used to having the two other kittens around.

We finished the day watching TV one-hour shows.