Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, Nov. 17

Up a little after 7 a.m., and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. After I was ready for the day, I made an appointment with my doctor, because I woke up with the all-too-familiar symptoms of a UTI.

Then I did this and that around the house until 11 a.m. Mother came over around that time, and I drove her to an 11:30 haircut appointment.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran a couple of errands until time to meet my doctor appointment at 2 p.m. First, we went to the store that has a sale every weekend, where I used a $10 coupon to buy Mother a pair of underwear leggings for Christmas. Then we went to a grocery store to pick up sale items, including a snuggie blanket with sleeves...another Christmas gift for Mother.

By then, it was time to visit the doctor. I was prescribed an antibiotic, and was out of the clinic by 2:30.

From there, we stopped by a clothing boutique, where I bought a bag of hand shelled pecans. One of our scrapbook club members mentioned on our trip to the Craft Extravaganza last week that the lady who owns the boutique cracks and shells pecans in the fall and sells them to make money to give to her grandkids. She does this not out of need, but because she enjoys the activity of gathering and shelling the nuts. She has no trouble selling them.

We came back home after that, but only stayed long enough to put the groceries away, particularly packages of on-sale frozen veggies. Then we ran a few more an everything's a dollar store, where I hoped to buy candies to use at the graham cracker Christmas house workshop at the art gallery in December, but didn't find what I wanted.

So we went to the WDCS for a few items, including the candies I needed, and then stopped by a barbeque restaurant to pick up a few pounds of pulled pork to put in the freezer and served as needed with soups when family drop by to visit. Finally, we swung by the pharmacy to pick up the antibiotic prescription.

Back home, Mother had cooked a little spaghetti to add to what was left over Monday. We had this and salad for supper. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I did our usual thing of watching TV.


Ann crum said...

What kind of candles are you looking for? I can check the $1 store in Greenbrier and see if there is anything there you might want.

Sixty Something said...

No, I was looking for candies, not candles. LOL. I wanted Skittles and gumdrops, and found some at Wal Mart. The Dollar Tree had them last year.

Ann crum said...

OH! Ok...lOL