Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, Jan. 4

Up around 8 a.m., and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Once I was ready for the day, I organized my winter clothing closet, and played on my computer until nearly noon.

Mother came over before lunch, and around 12:15, she and I met our haircut appointments. After that, I took Mother to the greeting card shop, where she wanted to buy birthday cards for Sis and me, and an anniversary card for Hubbie and me.

Back home around 2 p.m., Mother napped, while I made a New Year's greeting card on my computer, using one of my winter photos, and then wrote a long letter to our friends who live in Springfield, MO.

Then I uploaded photos of Hubbie's family to his social network site...photos snapped while his family were here the day after Christmas.

Later, we had a supper of baked sweet potatoes and various vegetables leftover from other meals. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I settled in to watch TV, including the Sugar Bowl college football contest, and our favorite college basketball team. Obviously, I recorded the games on DVR, so we could begin watching the football game around an hour into play, and then later watch the basketball game.

It was after midnight before both games ended, by which time our eyeballs were swimming. Unfortunately, both teams lost.


Ann crum said...

Lucky you! Two Mondays this week...lol

Sixty Something said...

OOPS!! LOL. Well, I felt like we had three Sundays in a row on both Christmas weekend and New Year's weekend, so I guess it was only right we should have at least one week with two Mondays. LOL.