Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday, Jan. 5

Got up really, really late this morning, at 9 a.m. Hubbie got up at his usual 7 a.m. hour, but let me snooze on. I guess I needed the rest after the long and exhausting holidays. But once I was up, I did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie ran errands while I was doing this.

Once I was ready for the day, I gathered and displayed the regular household items that had been stored to make way for Christmas decorations. Didn't have time to do much else before lunchtime.

Mother had come over mid-morning, and she fixed herself Ramen noodle soup for lunch, but I wasn't very hungry and settled for just a slice of deli turkey and an orange. Hubbie had a sandwich and chips.

Afterward, I did some household chores, while Hubbie groomed and bathed Shih Tzu, and Mother relaxed with a new magazine. Then Mother and I made a double recipe of homemade tomato soup to have for supper with grilled cheese sandwiches (Hubbie did the honors of making those).

Mother went home afterward, and later Hubbie and I went to the movie theater to see "True Grit," starring Jeff Bridges.

Funny: around 4:30 this afternoon, Hubbie came downstairs after being in the office for quite a while. He looked at the clock and asked why it was showing that time.

"Because it's 4:30," I said.

"Really?" he said, surprised. "I thought it was about lunchtime."

"We already had lunch," I reminded him.

He'd forgotten because, it seems, he'd fallen asleep at the computer playing a card game and lost track of time. He was getting hungry because it was close to suppertime. Guess the holidays have caught up with him, too.