Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday, April 22

Up around 7:30 and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. While I was doing that, Hubbie went to the hydroponic farm to pick up tomatoes I'd ordered before I began my exercises. He ran a couple of other errands while he was out.

Didn't accomplish a lot before lunch. After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands, mainly to pick up last-minute groceries for the weekend. While we were out, Hubbie decided to stop by the farm store to pick up bell pepper plants. On the way, an ambulance went racing past, sirens blaring.

I thought it might have been on the way to the hospital from a nursing home, but as we proceeded down the road, we saw several police cars and a tow truck. As we passed, we saw that a very old car was on the bed of the tow truck. The driver's side door was missing (probably removed with the jaws of life), and the driver's seat was facing the door. That whole side of the car was crunched up. It appeared that a vehicle entering the highway from a side road had rammed the car broadside. We didn't see the other must have been towed earlier.

Too many accidents in ours and nearby communities lately...yesterday, four teen-to-twenty-year-olds were involved in a one-car accident that killed a sixteen-year-old girl and a twenty-year-old man. And then today, the 57-year-old husband of a well-respected school employee was killed when he swerved into oncoming traffic while riding his motorcycle.

Back home, Mother had boiled the ham we'll have for Easter lunch. The ham we bought had about half the amount of sodium as regular ham, but we hoped that boiling it a little would help remove more sodium. Tomorrow, we'll bake and slice it for the refrigerator, and then heat it on Sunday.

Later, in recognition of Good Friday, we had a supper of baked salmon fillets, baked sweet potatoes and a package of black eyed peas from the freezer, cooked with seasonings.

I seem to get stuck on a theme when I plan menus for the week. This week it has been eggs and salmon...French toast Sunday night, beef hash and fried eggs Monday night, and then Ziplock bag omelets Tuesday night, followed by salmon chowder Wednesday and Thursday nights, and salmon fillets tonight. We'll continue the egg theme Sunday, with deviled eggs, and then I figure it'll be ham this and ham that next week.

Tonight, Hubbie and I watched the 2005, PG-13 movie, "The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio," starring Julianne Moore and Woody Harrelson. Set in the 1950s, the movie is based on the true story of Evelyn Ryan, a married woman with ten children, who has a knack for writing and winning thousands of dollars in cash and merchandise in jingle contests. The problem? Her alcoholic volatile-tempered husband, who becomes threatened by her success. The movie is light-hearted most of the way through, except for the husband's destructive outbursts. A crisis comes at the end, but everything works to the good.

Note: an awful thing happened in the family yesterday...a very young great-nephew got a hold of a sharp pair of scissors and sliced the area between his nose and his upper lip with them. He now has a v-shaped stitched wound there. Most every child (including me when I was about three years old) scissors hunks out of their hair. But this was a first. It raises the hair on my arms and the back of my neck every time I think about it.


Ann crum said...

Poor baby looked just awful, didn't he? I remember when another kid and I were throwing old records like frisbees (before the invention of the toy) and one hit across my upper lip and cut me. I remember getting stitches. That scar is still slightly visible.

Sixty Something said...

Daughter has a little scar from falling face first on a concrete block. Took the nurse and me both to hold her down to get a deadening shot in her forehead. In fact, the first shot just went right through her skin and squirted on us. LOL