Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8

Up at 7:30, and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. While I was getting ready for the day, Mother came over and stewed chicken breasts for making chicken salad for the weekend.

We spent the rest of the morning sprucing the house in anticipation of having company...Niece and her husband, and Great-Nephew, will stop by on their way to the Scottish Festival, where Great-Nephew will join a Celtic group as part of the entertainment. Great-Nephew plays fiddle. We've heard him play individually as a bluegrass artist, but we haven't seen him play as part of a group, so we're looking forward to it.

Later, after lunch, Hubbie and I ran a few a grocery store for cottage cheese, to a pharmacy for hair color and cans of chicken broth that were on sale, to the hydroponic farm for tomatoes, to the WDCS for groceries for the weekend, to a gas station, and to the bank.

Back home, Hubbie went out to work in the yard, while Mother and I relaxed. For supper, we had leftover stir fry, and then we got ready to go see a high school production of the musical, "Camelot."

"Camelot" is, of course, the story of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table, the arranged marriage between the king and Guinevere, and the eventual betrayal by Guinevere with the king's most beloved knight, Sir Lancelot.

The production, which took place in the auditorium of a middle school, started at 7 p.m. We arrived around 6:30. The auditorium is wheelchair accessible, so Mother did not have to walk the long length from the parking lot to the facility.

Once inside, though, Mother was able to walk the short distance to a seat. The seats in this auditorium are small and wooden, with no padding. So we brought along stadium cushions. The community theatre offered cushions for rent, but I wasn't sure if a BCT representative would be there tonight, so we brought our own. I can't imagine trying to sit in those seats for the three hours the production lasted without a stadium cushion, but some did.

The play was would be hard to go wrong with such great music by Lerner and Loewe. And fortunately, the actors, except for a few minor characters, wore mics,so we could hear them. One of Hubbie's biggest complaints about live theater is not being able to hear the actors.

The kids did a pretty good job in their roles, under the direction of their drama teacher, who is a former member of the community theater. It wasn't professional, but it was charming.

The play ended at 10 p.m., so by the time we got back home, we were ready to call it a night.