Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, April 27

Slept really late this morning, until around 9:15. I guess I was warn out from the storms, though we were not directly affected by them...just hours and hours of tracking them, and worrying about family in the path of them.

Did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast, then once I was ready for the day, I called the scrapbook club members to arrange a possible trip to another town for the spring open house of a pioneer village. Before that, I contacted a village representative to make sure the open house was still scheduled after the storms of the past few days.

The representative said that the village will be open, with docents dressed in pioneer costumes. There will be lots of demonstrations, including one about a featured chuck wagon. The owner of the chuck wagon was supposed to bring along a team of oxen, but village reps asked that he not bring them, in case the ground is still soft on Saturday after all the rain we've had.

In talking with one of the scrapbook members, I learned that one of our members, who has not attended sessions in some time, is in the hospital. She collapsed at church last Sunday with some sort of stomach problem. Since she has been in the hospital, she's had another episode, and the doctors are treating her for inflammation in her pancreas.

Mother came over around 11 a.m., and I suggested she complete the word search contest puzzle in the newspaper, which she did. Last week's $50 winner is someone we know from the Extension Homemakers Council. The winner before her was a man I didn't know, but whom I recognized while Hubbie and I were at the gas station. He was at the adjoining pump. The reason I know he was the winner is that his unusual name was engraved on his belt. And I recognized his face from the contest winner snapshot. The elderly gentleman must have just come from the doctor, because he had bandages taped to several places on his face and arms, as well as on the top of his head...there was on large bandage on his jaw...probably all suspicious mole removals. I figured this was a man who needed a bright spot in his day, so I'm glad he won the $50.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands. First we took the puzzle to the newspaper office, where I talked with one of the reporters I'm well acquainted with. He told me that he had surgery last December for diabetic retinopathy, and was told then that not much could be done for his loss of sight, Surgery would prevent further loss, but he probably would not gain more sight, though it seems he has. But lately, he has experienced some bleeding, so he's a bit worried.

He also said that a woman died in the storms that passed east of us last night. An apparent tornado destroyed her home and tossed her into a field, where she was found a couple of hours later. Her husband had been at work.

That same storm knocked our power out for a couple of hours. We tracked the storm on the radio, and learned that it was following a path through towns east and eventually turning deadly in a community about 30 miles away.

We fervently hoped this was the end of an outbreak of storms that continued over several days. However, today there was another small tornado about two hours east of us. It caused property damage but no loss of life, thank goodness.

From the newspaper office, we went to the river, where I hoped to get snapshots of the flooding there. But as soon as I stepped out of the van, it began raining, accompanied by streaked lightening. I didn't dally. Tomorrow will be soon enough to get pictures.

We went on to the WDCS for a few groceries, and then to a grocery store for a couple of on-sale items.

It was a little late to accomplish much after we got back home, beyond reading a state newspaper we picked up while we were out, and the local paper that was delivered to us. I was interested in reading about Monday's tornado, but the paper also carried a story about the death of someone Hubbie and I knew while we worked for the state agency for the blind. The lady was only 59 years old, but she had multiple health problems.

Later, Mother and I fixed a breakfast-for-supper meal of sauteed potatoes, ham, and biscuits and gravy. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I watched a movie from the Lifetime Network.

Funny: I tried to call Daughter-in-law this afternoon to check on her and Son, but not having my glasses on, I managed to dial the Caring Hands Hospice coordinator instead (she has the same first name as Daughter-in-Law). I started right in talking about the tornado and clean-up, but soon realized that the person I was talking to didn't have a clue what I was referring to. I explained myself to her and asked how she was doing. "Fine," she said, "but who am I talking to." Duh, I hadn't even told her my name! We laughed about the whole thing and then caught up with Caring Hands news. I promised to wear my glasses when I tried again to call Daughter-in-Law.

Daughter called this evening to suggest I check out the online edition of the local paper in her town, which is carrying photos of the tornado damage in Son's neighborhood...Granddaughter is shown in one of the photos helping clean up after the storm.