Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday, June 6

We were up around 7 a.m., and I did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. I really needed the session after having missed five days of exercises.

Once I was ready for the day, I spent the rest of the morning doing laundry and other chores related to getting things back in order after a trip.

Around 11:30, my dental surgeon's office in the capital city called to say my appointment for Tuesday was cancelled, because the hygienist was sick. Drat! Daughter had taken two compensatory days off, so she could make the two-hour drive up here to stay tonight, and then be here with Mother and Shih Tzu, while Hubbie and I made the trip to the capital city.

I immediately tried to call Daughter to save her the trip. But she didn't answer her cell phone, so I left a message. When she hadn't arrived before 1 p.m., I figured she must have gotten the message.

So I spent my time right after lunch reviewing the tutoring lesson I would present to my student at 2:30 p.m., while Hubbie spent his afternoon in the yard.

Around 2 p.m., Daughter showed up. She hadn't gotten the call, because the cell phone I left the message on was in the hands of Great-Grandson, while Daughter was using Granddaughter's cell phone. Phooey.

About 2:20, I went to the college library to meet my student. While I was gone, Daughter decided to head back to her town, because she was having a problem with her car that needed to be dealt with.

Today's student session went well. I was glad to have the English/Spanish dictionary on hand, so that the student could read and record definitions for several words that were new to her like fail, vale, view, safer, saver, and veal.

Tonight, we also practiced sentences using the information question "which," as in "I have a red pen and a black pen. Which one do you want." The student was also asked to transform statements into information questions: "Ann is reading the Spanish book," to "Which book is Ann reading?"

She also learned how to add "-ing" endings, as in fish to fishing, sing to singing, etc., and to count to 100 by tens.

We finished the session with reading a simple story, after which I asked her questions like, "Where is Mrs. Hill?" to which the appropriate response is "She's in the kitchen."

I was back home about 4:30. For supper, we had Long Soup with biscuits. The soup was leftover from last week that we'd put in the freezer. It was an easy meal that kept us from having to plan or cook, since we were too pooped to make much effort.

Mother went home after supper, and Hubbie and I relaxed and caught up on reading last week's and today's local daily newspapers. Then we watched the 2006 Lifetime Movie Network feature, "Last Exit." This is an action-packed, tense suspense movie about two women who are stressed out with their lives, and who manage to cross each other's paths on the way to work, and one of them cuts off the other in traffic.

The woman who was cut off spirals out of control when she loses her job, is about to lose her handicapped child to her remarried husband, is unable to buy her son a birthday gift because her credit card is maxed out, etc. Later, she runs into the other woman again, when her car stalls and the other woman starts honking her horn. Everything goes downhill from there. Pretty good edge-of-your-seat movie.