Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday, June 7

Up around 7 a.m. and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Once I was ready for the day, I spent the rest of the morning and some of the afternoon washing load after load of laundry. I wonder why there is so much more laundry after a trip than on an ordinary stay-at-home week?

Mother came over mid-morning and cut up and boiled zucchini for making a casserole for supper, while I uploaded camping trip snapshots to my social network page. The uploading tool is frustratingly slow, so it took forever.

While I waited for each batch of photos to upload, I did some filing in my office, and went downstairs to do minor chores.

Hubbie spent the entire day, and all of the evening until dark time working in the yard. It's always his method to half kill himself trying to get the yard in order in a single day. I had to go out finally and insist he come inside. It's not like there isn't another day to work. He came in sunburned and exhausted.

Later, for supper, we had the zucchini casserole (thanks Son and Daughter-in-Law for the bag full of squash), baked sweet potatoes, corn-on-the-cob, and garden salad.

Mother went home after supper, Hubbie went to the yard, of course, and I busied myself catching up on my blog posts.

When Hubbie came back in, around 8:30 p.m., we finished the evening watching a few one-hour shows on DVR.

Note: at one point today, Hubbie ran an errand to a home improvement store to buy several bags of mulch. He said there was a terrible accident near the entrance to the store. Seems someone in a small car exited the store parking lot and was rammed from behind by a large four-door truck. Hubbie said it looked like there were serious injuries, and he thinks he recognized the woman driving the car, though he couldn't remember her name.