Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday, August 13

Slept late, until nearly 8 a.m., but did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. By the time I got ready for the day, it was pretty late in the morning.

Mother had come over while I was upstairs getting ready. Shortly after 11 a.m., we went to a nearby town to attend a watermelon festival. We spent a couple of hours touring the vendor booths and registering for prizes, watching a group of young cloggers perform on the amphitheater stage, touring the car show, and eating soft serve ice cream.

Even though the temp wasn't as high today, we were still plenty hot by 1 p.m. and ready to come home. Besides, Mother was getting hungry and needed something to eat other than the ice cream.

Seeing the lemonade stands at the festival prompted me to make a big pitcher of it when we got back home.

Then I fixed low-sodium deli chicken breast sandwiches with Havarti cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and Vidalia onions for our lunch. Hubbie and I had big glasses of lemonade with our meals, but Mother wasn't interested in it. Lemonade isn't her drink of choice. I think today, though, it might have been a good idea for her to have a glass of it, because she got really woozy shortly after we got home, even though she didn't have to walk a step at the festival. She hadn't drunk any water while we were gone, and she was probably a little dehydrated. Some fluids and electrolytes would probably have made her feel better.

For dessert, we had slices of watermelon from the city that sponsored festival. The growers in that town hosted a watermelon feast at the festival during the afternoon, but we preferred to enjoy our melon in the comfort of air conditioning.

After lunch, Hubbie peeled and then sliced potatoes in the food processor, while Mother (at her insistence) chopped carrots, onions, and celery, for a pot of potato soup for supper.

Then we lazed the afternoon away watching a Syfy channel disaster movie..."Meteor Storm."

I made a batch of bran muffins to go with the soup for supper. After supper, I accompanied Mother to her house, and then Hubbie and I watched a two-part Syfy Channel disaster movie, "Category 7: End of the World."

New cat: a week or so ago, a somewhat fuzzy tabby cat with a big fluffy tail appeared on our property. Don't know how he got here...did he wander in, or did someone drop him off? He's well-fed and friendly, and he seems awfully happy to be here. We'll take care of him, of course, but we certainly weren't looking for another cat. The resident cats aren't too keen on him, but he isn't deterred by being given the cold shoulder or being hissed at. Maybe when mating season rolls around again, he'll stray.