Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2

We were up at 7 a.m. this morning, and after a more successful breakfast than we had yesterday morning, I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises. Yesterday, we had our usual breakfast of orange juice and cereal, but the both the juice and the milk were at the point of spoiling...that point where they both just tasted "off."

Once I was ready for the day, I recorded info on the backs of the ribbons we won at the fair until lunchtime. After lunch, I uploaded wedding photos to my social network page, and e-mailed my monthly report to the Literacy Council, while Mother put a pot of chicken on to stew.

Around 2:30, Mother and I went to the beauty shop, where, while waiting for her haircut, Mother discovered that there is a snapshot of Hubbie and me in this month's county slick magazine. The photo was taken at the area arts council Summer Celebration in June. So after our haircuts, I drove to the Chamber of Commerce to pick up a couple of copies.

Back home, we relaxed until time to have a supper of chicken noodle soup, with slices of homemade wheat bread from a loaf I bought at the grape festival. A couple of Mennonite women were selling baked goods at their booth, and the bread looked especially good. It's yummy.

I accompanied Mother home afterward, and then Hubbie and I watched TV, while I finished uploading wedding photos to my social network page, and then burned a copy of the photos to a CD to send to Daughter-in-Law, at her request.