Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16

Woke up near 6:30 to a crackling thunderstorm. So Hubbie turned off the alarm, anticipating I would not be going to water aerobics, then rolled over and went back to sleep. The storm passed around 7 a.m., so I could have gone to the pool. But Hubbie was snoozing so comfortably that I stayed in bed until he woke up, because if I'd gotten up, he would have too.

We finally stirred around 8 a.m., lazed for another hour, and finally had breakfast. Afterward, I went to Mother's house to help her take a shower, throw a load of laundry in the washer, and fix Ramen noodle soup for her lunch.

Back home, I grabbed my camera and went out to snap photos of the tulips with raindrops on them. One of the cats added interest to the photos, when she strolled through the flowers and even smelled one of them.

I uploaded some of the photos to my social network page, and then I got ready for the day. In the meantime, Hubbie gathered all the scatter rugs, including one from Mother's bathroom, and took them to the laundromat. I don't like washing these rugs in our home machine.

By this time, it was noon. I suggested to Hubbie that we go to a popular sandwich restaurant for lunch, and then shop for groceries.

I forgot to take two bags of audio books on cassette to be donated to the college library for it's annual fundraiser. So after we put up the groceries, we grabbed the bags and headed out again.

At the college library, we spent quite a while talking with folks we know. Then we drove to another part of the college, so I could snap photos of the chapel with a flowering tree in the foreground. From there, we swung by a home with three gorgeous trees in brilliant white bloom. I snapped several shots of those.

We continued our trip by visiting two clothing stores. I was on a mission to find a pair of white slacks. The first store had only white slacks with elastic waist. I hate that style, but I tried on a pair, anyway. No dice.

At the other store, though, the one that no longer has a sale every weekend, I found a very nice pair at a reasonable price that fit nicely. They are too long, of course. I'll need to hem them soon, so I can wear them to a couple of upcoming events.

Our last stop was at a pharmacy store. It was 4:30 before we got back home.

This morning, Mother thought she wanted to stay home for supper tonight, but she changed her mind this afternoon, since the rain stopped, and sun came out. So Hubbie accompanied her to our house, where she helped me make Ziplock bag omelets by dicing onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms.

We had the omelets with toasted bagels, and fresh fruit. Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then we watched the 1987 movie, "Broadcast News," starring William Hurt and Holly Hunter. Two rival TV reporters fall for the same female producer. But who will the producer choose? Comedy/romance.

Whew, what an incredibly hot and humid March day. It's not even spring, yet! We got another half inch of rain this morning, and when the sun came out, it became steamy. So far, we've gotten about six inches inches of rain in three recent rainfalls.