Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to water aerobics. This was the first day back at the pool after spring break. The weather was mild this morning, though fog accumulated on the windows of the van as I drove up the hill to the college, making it difficult to see traffic from the side windows, as well the road that I needed to turn on to my left.

The pool was wonderfully warm, though, and thirteen of us were in attendance. I was surprised more didn't come, since it was such a beautiful day. Maybe some were confused about what day we were to resume aerobics.

Back home afterward, I enjoyed a cup of coffee before going to Mother's house to help her take a shower, and then throw a load of clothes in the washer.

Hubbie spent the morning helping the Master Gardeners did plants at one of the member's homes, which they then potted to sell at their upcoming annual plant sale.
They worked from 9 a.m. until noon.

Once I was ready for the day, I called Hubbie to let him know I planned to attend a program at the women's center of the hospital. The program was about healthy eating, and included lunch, a speaker, and a cooking demonstration by the hospital's chef.

I looked for someone I knew to sit with, but there was only one lady...a member of our scrapbook club (who rarely attends our meetings), but she said she was sorry, but her table was already full.

No problem...I joined three staff members who work in the hospital records department. Nice ladies, and I enjoyed meeting and talking with them. Soon, a woman I know from water aerobics came in. Looking around, she apparently didn't know anyone, either, until she spotted me, and joined us at our table.

There were only a handful of men at the gathering, one of whom was in line with me leading to the buffet table. He offered to let me go in front of him, but I said I figured his wife (who was already seated) might like him to hurry up and join her.

"Naw," he said, "she doesn't care what I do." I laughed and said I didn't think that was true.

He's a very large man...not only tall, but overweight, so I figured his wife forced him to attend the session to learn how to eat healthier.

He also said he was very warm after having worked in his ten raised veggie gardens all morning. This launched a conversation about Master Gardeners and Hubbie's projects.

It was a long line...plenty of time to talk.

The lunch was good, featuring herbed and sauteed chicken fillets, a mixed salad of greens, carrots, cucumbers, onions, green beans, orange slices, nuts, and Craisins, with a yogurt/orange juice/sugar/vinegar dressing, and a roll. The really tasty dessert was berry bread pudding: blueberries, a little sugar, vanilla extract, whole wheat bread, and vanilla yogurt.

Back home, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and we gathered materials needed for a scrapbook club meeting tomorrow afternoon. I did a few things to spruce the house, but not enough, so I'll have to do the rest tomorrow morning.

Around 4:30, I went to an arts council committee meeting. Only three of us showed up. We looked like Easter eggs in bright green and yellow shirts. We spent a little over an hour discussing upcoming events.

Back home around 6:30, Hubbie had heated the leftover lasagna, as well as a can of green beans, which we had with sliced tomatoes that I'd bought from a roadside vendor on the way home from the lunch event.

I accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then I grabbed my camera and went out to snap photos of the tulips in the yard, which I uploaded to my social network page.

By then, it was nearly 8 p.m. We settled in to watch the 2000 comedy/crime movie, "Gun Shy," starring Liam Neeson and Sandra Bullock. An undercover DEA agent with serious stomach problems, who has lost his courage after his partner is killed, cleans up a drug ring.