Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday, April 21

Slept late, until nearly 8 a.m. Did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Then I programmed the DVR for next week's movies and shows.

Sis arrived mid-morning. After she and Mother came to our house, we visited until lunchtime. After lunch, she and Mother worked on jigsaw puzzles, while Hubbie worked in the yard, and I searched for and printed snapshots to use as backgrounds for sympathy cards for Caring Hands Hospice.

Hubbie came back in just as I began working on the cards. He was ready to sit down and watch our favorite college football team play their red/white spring football game, which I'd recorded on DVR, and he wanted me to join him. The red sqaud was expected to win, and they did, by a resounding 65 to zero.

Following the game, I made a batch of bran muffins to go with the Dragon Soup for supper.

After supper, we played the card game, Duo, until 9 p.m. Mother won the majority of games with four, I won three, and Hubbie and Sis each won one. Mother and Sis went to Mother's house after that, and Hubbie and I ended the evening watching TV.

It was a nice sunny day today, but pretty crisp at under 70 degrees...typical for spring, but just not warm like it was in March. I miss the warm weather.

Note: learned this week that Granddaughter is expecting a baby girl in September. Happy news after learning recently that Nephew continued the saga of broken bones when he broke his wrist in a soccer game.