Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, April 3

Slept late this morning, until around 8 a.m. After breakfast, I did stair stepping, resistance, and weights exercises.

Once I was ready for the day, I grabbed my camera to go outdoors and snap photos of flowers. I meant to get a few shots of Mother planting impatiens in a container, but she'd already finished the job before I got there.

I offered to help her take a shower, but she wasn't ready to do that and preferred to wait until this evening after supper. So I accompanied her to our house, where we watched an episode of "Dancing With the Stars," while Hubbie ran errands.

Afterward, Mother chopped veggies to add to a pot of chicken. After lunch, and after I returned from getting a haircut, I started the chicken stewing. Later, we had the stewed chicken for supper, with mashed potatoes, gravy, coleslaw, and English peas.

At the beauty shop, my hairdresser and I were watching a live report on the Weather Channel as an enormous tornado passed through areas near Dallas, lifting tractor trailers hundreds of feet in the air and then slamming them back to earth. It was such a jaw-dropping sight that as soon as I got home, I turned our TV to the Weather Channel, so Mother and Hubbie could see a replay of it.

Later, after supper, I accompanied Mother to her house, and helped her shower, and then throw a load of laundry in the washer.

Back home, Hubbie and I watched TV, including the elimination round of "Dancing With the Stars." As usual, the one I expected to be eliminated was not. I think even he was surprised.