Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wednesday, April 4

Well, phooey. When I tried to post my blog last night, something happened and the whole thing got wiped out. I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything I did. I just got an oops message, and when I tried to find the blog in the edit post list, it wasn't there.

Here goes, again. We were up at 6:30 a.m., so I could get ready to go to water aerobics. It was a little cooler this morning, but nice for the walk to the gym. The water was somewhat cool, too, but very pleasant once I got used to it.

Our leader arrived in a red straw hat decorated with daisies, her idea of an Easter bonnet. On Monday, she suggested we all wear hats, but most of us, except for one other lady, who wore a straw hat with yellow and orange feathers, forgot to do it. Even if I had remembered, I wouldn't have worn one, since it would have been in my way for swimming in the deep end of the pool.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, I did this and that until lunchtime. After lunch, Hubbie and I ran a specialty shop, where I bought half pound bags of mixed jelly beans, and a half pound of licorice-flavored ones. The mixed ones were for Hubbie and Mother, and the licorice were for me. I gave Hubbie his right away, and he munched on them as we traveled. I'll give the others to Mother for Easter.

From there, we went to the newspaper office to drop off the word search puzzle contest; and then to the greeting card shop, where I bought an Easter card for Mother. Snoopy is featured on the front, saying, "God bless jelly beans...,"; on the inside, "and God bless you."

Went to the everything's a dollar store after that, where I picked up a colorful Easter basket and grass for Mother.

Our next stop was the WDCS to shop for groceries and incidentals for Mother and us. I bought a 200-piece jigsaw puzzle for Mother for Easter. It features a couple of cats among pots of flowers. Our last stop was the farm store, where I snapped pictures of chicks.

We were back in our driveway before we realized we'd meant to go to the roadside vegetable market to pick up another flat of strawberries. So I decided to go to Mother's house to see if she'd like to go with us.

I strolled across the yard and up Mother's ramp, head down and daydreaming. When I arrived at her porch, I looked up and YIKES! there was Mother, sitting in a chair enjoying the weather.

"That's what you get for walking with your head down," she laughed.

"Well," I joked, "last Monday, I was walking to the van after my tutoring session at the college library, and found a quarter on the parking lot. So sometimes it pays to walk with my head down."

Back home after getting the strawberries, I washed three quarts of them, which Mother capped and sliced for the freezer.

Supper tonight was leftover pork roast and veggies, gravy, and sliced tomatoes. Then I accompanied Mother back to her house, where I ended up cleaning three cabinets in a effort to turn up a cloth bag for squeezing juice from tomatoes and fruits.

I didn't find the bag, but I did find inoperable appliances that needed to be discarded, as well as a bag full of "tubberware," as Sis calls it...old margarine, cottage cheese, and whipped topping containers. I convinced Mother that she only needed a few of those for storage. Plowing through all that stuff seemed to confuse Mother, because she kept asking, "Now, what are we looking for?"

Back home about an hour later, Hubbie and I watched TV...or I should say, Hubbie watched TV. I only half paid attention, since I was playing on my laptop.

One thing I did while on the laptop was apply for a $5 movie voucher, compliments of the hair color I use. The voucher is good until the end of May. I hope a decent movie comes on in the next several weeks, so we can use the voucher. I'm going to check my other boxes of hair color to see if there's another one I can apply for.