Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, April 26

Up around 7:30, but didn't get around to exercising, because when I checked my e-mail, I found a response from a community theater member, who said she would be at the organization's building at 10 a.m., if I wanted to go search for a Civil War ball gown. So I hurried to dress, and Hubbie went with me to the building.

After looking through and trying on several dresses and skirts, I settled on a green taffeta dress with black lace trim that fits nicely and has a wide skirt to accommodate a hoop. Finding something suitable for Hubbie is presenting more of a challenge.

Back home, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, where she prepared a recipe of pimento cheese. After lunch, we worked together to make a batch of gingersnap cookies. We plan to make several varieties of cookies, part of which we'll contribute to a Caring Hands Hospice fundraiser.

Supper was leftover meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I accompanied Mother back to her house afterward, and then around 7:30, Hubbie and I went to a chamber music concert at the college. The program was unusual in its combination of consonance (pleasing sounds) and dissonance (harsh sounds). One piece sounded like background music for a suspense or horror movie. Another piece used Tibetan Finger Cymbals. A softer piece, called "Wed," was in memory of an artist friend, who, on her deathbed, married her boyfriend just before she died.

On our walk back to van after the concert, I finally saw the bright planet Venus near the quarter moon. The two celestial bodies were closer a couple of nights ago, but I was unable to see them from our yard, with all the trees in full leaf.

Just before we reached home, we noticed several police cars on either side of the road, blue lights flashing. Lots of vehicles were gathered at the site, and as we slowly passed, we saw that a black cow had been killed. We saw no wrecked vehicle, though there was a front loader preparing to pick the animal up. We couldn't tell if the cow had gotten out of a pasture and wandered onto the road, or if there'd been an accident involving a trailer hauling the cow. Maybe there'll be a report in the local newspaper tomorrow.

Note: the tortoise shell cat is back...or I should say she was here all along, hiding in the storeroom, where Hubbie couldn't see her even with a flashlight. I guess she wasn't feeling well and went into hiding until she felt better. She surprised us when she ambled out into the den today. She was very thirsty and ready to eat. We were glad she showed up in time for a scheduled appointment with the vet for a checkup and to get stronger flea treatment.