Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday, July 6

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to water aerobics. The pool felt great. Three new women joined the group, so there were seventeen of us for the session. There are now four of us with same name.

Disturbing: three of the regular members commented that the maintenance guy has opened the door to the women's dressing room while they were in there. He was warned against it three times. I've never been in the room when this happened, since I leave the pool early. But these three women are the last to leave.

Each time he has opened the door, he has declared that it was an accident. One time might be an accident (and even then, I have to wonder why he didn't call out "Is anybody in there?" before opening the door), but three times is no accident.

One of the women is personally acquainted with the guy, since he had at one time been employed by her husband. She said the man has a wife and three children, and can ill afford to lose his job. My feeling is that if he valued his job, he wouldn't risk it this way. We're not responsible for him. If he "accidentally" opens that door again, he should be reported!

Back home, after I was ready for the day, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and then he ran errands. I did this and that around the house, and then fixed lunch.

After lunch, Mother retired to the couch for an afternoon nap, while Hubbie and I went to another town about twenty miles away to pick up the new electronic key for the van. While we waited for the key to be programmed to the van, a woman in the lounge babbled on and on, telling us more than we wanted to know about herself and her family.

We didn't respond to her, but she was not discouraged by our silence. She hadn't been discouraged earlier, either, when another couple waiting for their vehicle ignored her, and the wife even buried her nose in a book as a signal she didn't want to participate in a conversation.

It's not that any of us are insensitive, it's just that we were all strangers who were not interested in the intimate details of each others lives. Some folks just seem to have no sense of what's appropriate.

After we left the auto shop, we stopped at a discount warehouse to browse for a few minutes. I found a card of sticker borders that Mother can use in card making. I also picked up a couple of cute birthday cards for kids...they are Animal Planet creations that feature a panda bear, and a black bear cub, as well as nature word games inside.

Later, we had breakfast for supper...French toast (Hubbie prepared this), with turkey bacon, and scrambled egg substitute. I mixed the remainder of a pint of raspberry syrup with some regular sugar free syrup to top the French toast. This is the kind of meal that Mother really enjoys.

Afterward, I accompanied Mother back to her house, and then Hubbie and I watched TV, as usual.