Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, Oct. 5

Slept late, until almost 8:30, since I didn't need to get up for water aerobics. In fact, Hubbie had to come and wake me, I was so sound asleep. I dressed right after breakfast, so Hubbie and I could go for a bike ride.

It was a lovely, sunny, balmy morning for a ride. The two lab dogs, belonging to our neighbors, came right out to greet and follow us. These dogs, both female, are mother and daughter. One is black, the other chocolate. The black one.. the mother of the other...was plagued this morning by a bumble bee that relentlessly dive-bombed her rear end. She kept snapping at the bee, with little result. Finally, she stopped following us to take care of the problem. I guess she won the battle eventually, because she caught up with us after a few minutes.

On our ride, we saw no grasshoppers on the road today, but we did see lots of woolly worms. Does this mean we are in for a harsh winter, as folk wisdom would have us believe?

Also saw morning glories, with their blooms open to the sun, growing on a fence at a large turnip patch.

A yard sale was in progress at one house, but we didn't take the time to stop.

At the horse riding school, a couple of young women, helmets on, were practicing maneuvers.

Along the road, a startled rabbit darted across, scooted under a barbed wire fence, and alerted the dogs to give chase. Moments later, two squirrels dashed across, under the fence, and up a tree.

Closer to home, a beagle rushed out to trot beside my bike, but he didn't bark. When Hubbie approached, though, he yapped his head off. Guess he was protecting me.

At home, while I got ready for the day, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. Since it was nearly 11:30 by this time, Hubbie fixed Mother a lunch of Ramen Noodle soup. Later, I had split pea soup, and Hubbie chose a pimento cheese sandwich.

Mother headed to the couch after lunch, but didn't get much sleep, since a thunderstorm rolled in right away. It stormed on and off all afternoon, dumping quite a bit of rain, and dropping the temperature over twenty degress. Br-r-r, we weren't ready for this.

Around 2 p.m., Mother gave up trying to nap, and came into the den. Later, we went to the kitchen to begin supper preparations. I gathered ingredients necessary for making a salmon loaf, which Mother put together for the oven. And then I made a recipe of macaroni and cheese.

While we did this, we watched a movie from the DVR..."Oliver's Ghost," from the Hallmark Movie Channel. This PG movie is about a family who move into a house haunted by a ghost. At first, only the 11-year-old boy can see the ghost, an older man who eventually befrieds the boy, but eventually the whole family sees him. The ghost, of course, is stuck in the house because of something he left undone in his life, and the family helps him resolve his problem.

The salmon loaf and macaroni and chesse, were tasty, served with a side of asparagus. Afterward, I accompanied Mother home, and waited until she showered before returning home.

Back home, Hubbie and I watched a 2010 movie..."And Soon the Darkness," from the DVR. Two girls on a bicycle trip in Argentina, go bar hopping, after which they get into an argument. They split up, and then one goes missing. The other must find her before nightfall.