Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, Oct. 15

Up at 6:30 to get ready for water aerobics. Though the day promised to warm into the 70s later, it was cool enough this morning for fleece wear and hoodie. The drive to the college was pleasant...trees beginning to show yellow and red colors, mist skimming the surfaces of fields.

I'm glad I was watching my speed, because two police cars were parked at points along the shoulder of the hilly street leading to the college, lying in wait particulary for young people headed to classes, though willing to nab anyone with a heavy foot at that time of the morning. One water aerobics member has already been stopped, and I don't want to be the second.

The pool was delightfully warm today. Twenty-six of us attended.

Funny: one lady came sporting a single hair curler on one side of her head. Several of us noticed it, but thought she'd worn it because of an unruly strand. Finally, someone asked her about it. She flung her hand to her head and laughed. She'd simply forgotton to take that one out. I have to wonder, though, how she combed or brushed her hair without snagging it...unless she didn't do either.

Our leader today announced that she has reserved a room at the Italian restaurant Friday, so we can gather for lunch. Mother and I will attend, if nothing comes up.

Back home, I warmed up with a couple of cups of coffee, and then made a few telephone calls, two of which were to the scrapbook club members to remind them of our regularly scheduled meeting Thursday.

One has an elderly neighbor suffering with cancer, whom she has been driving to the clinic for treatments, and she isn't sure if the neighbor will need her Thursday. The sister-in-law of the other member is in hospice care, also suffering from cancer, and she is now refusing food and drink, so that member, of course, doesn't know what might happen before Thursday.

I won't know until Wednesday if either member can attend, but I'll go ahead and plan for the gathering, anyway.

While I got ready for the day, Hubbie shopped for a few groceries for me, including ingredients for making pumpkin bars...if Mother and I can find time to make them. I think they'd be nice to serve Thursday, with hot apple cider drinks.

Mother stayed home until after lunch today, but we made sure she had Ramen Noodle soup. Hubbie and I had sandwiches from the deli turkey he bought at the store, and then I reviewed today's ESL lesson for my student.

Met the student at 2:30, as usual. We didn't cover much ground today, because the student was on Cloud Nine about winning the State Literacy Council Student of the Year award.

She brought along the award, which is engraved on a 9"x13" wooden plaque. She attended the Literacy Council annual conference, held in the capital city on Friday, and she said about 350 people attended.

We spent a lot of time in conversation about the conference and the award, and about how excited her family in Venezuela was when they heard the news.

The lesson involved a conversation around purchasing gasoline at a filling station. Here she learned a new word...unleaded...which in Spanish is sin plomo.

She already knew the vocabulary for schools: kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, high school, and university or college. She said school levels in Venezuela are similar. Then she commented that she would like to obtain a U.S. General Education Degree, though she did attend high school, and has a few college hours from Venezuela, as well as insurance agent certification from her country.

She also learned vocabulary involving the use of "instead." "Joe wanted to smoke. He ate instead." She had a bit of trouble grasping this idea and using it in sentences, even after she checked her Spanish dictionary for the definition.

We will also need to work a bit more on the use of irregular verbs: "When did the police officers come to Tony's house?" "They came last night." "When did you forget your book?" "I forgot it three weeks ago."

We finished the lesson with listening comprehension, and working in her workbook.

Back home, Hubbie had heated leftover stirfry and rice for our supper. Afterward, I accompanied Mother to her house, and waited until she had showered before returning to our house.

Watched TV after that. While I vegged, I hemmed my jeans, so the time was not a complete waste.