Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, Nov. 9

Up at 6:30 to go to water aerobics. It was a little cool this morning, but not bad, except for the chilly wind tunnel leading to the gym. The water was wonderfully warm, though.

Today, we once again got a lecture from our leader about wearing perfumes or highly scented lotions or makeup. We got the lecture because a lady who hasn't attended in quite a while reeked of it today. One of the regular members is super-sensitive to perfumes, so she was affected by the scent. Besides assaulting our noses, lotions leave an oily residue on the water, which affects the lap swimmers. I always shower the night before water aerobics, and then rinse off again in the locker room shower the next day before getting in the pool.

Back home afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, while I got ready for the day. We didn't do much for the rest of the morning. Had leftovers for lunch, and then Mother headed to the couch for a nap, while Hubbie and I ran two banks (one to pick up a ticket to a Christmas performance for Sis); to the greeting card shop to use a $5 coupon to buy five cards. Hubbie needed several for upcoming birthdays in his family, so he used that coupon. I also had a $2 coupon that I used toward purchasing a jigsaw puzzle for Mother for Christmas.

Today, the greeting card shop was having a Christmas open house, so there was a table set up with dip, spiced pretzles, a pumpkin spice hot drink, and a tray of luscious cookies. We snared several cookies to bring home for our evening enough to share with Mother. We also registered for a $50 gift certificate to be used at the store.

After that we stopped by a grocery store for a couple of grocery items, and since it was still early in the afternoon, we toured the town looking for good places to take fall foliage photos (I'd brought my camera along), because predictions are for stormy, cold weather beginning Sunday evening, so I figure this is the last weekend for autumn color.

Back home at 3:30, Mother was awake and ready to get up. We relaxed until around 4:30, when Hubbie fixed us a supper of French toast, using bread rounds leftover from our camping trip. They've been in the fridge since then, but they needed to be used.

While Hubbie fixed the French toast, and scrambled egg substitute, I did all the other things needed for the meal...heated blackberry syrup, coffee, and dinner plates in the microwave, etc. I like to heat the dinner plates, so the food stays warm longer, especially breakfast foods.

After supper, I accompanied Mother to her house, and then waited for her to shower before I came back home.

Hubbie and I decided to take in a $2-per-person movie at the downtown theater. The movie, "Taken 2," started at 7 p.m. It stars Liam Neeson in the role of a retired CIA agent, whose daughter in the first movie was kidnapped to be sold as a sex slave. Neeson's character hunts the perpetrators down and dispatches them one-by-one, and rescues his daughter.

This time, he takes his wife and daughter to Istanbul, where the daughter has to help rescue him and her mother, who have been taken by a bunch of thugs, one of whom is the father of a guy Neeson's character kills in the first movie. Lots of action, foot chases, car chases, explosions, and fights to the death, as Neeson again dispatches more thugs than we could count. A definite guy movie.

Funny: today, I got a letter from the college library reminding me to renew my Friends of the Library was addressed to Mr. and Mrs.(my given name and Hubbie's surname).