Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday, Nov. 4

Today is Granddaughter's birthday. Happy Birthday, Granddaughter!

Woke up at 7:30 this morning, which would have been 8:30 yesterday morning. Since I skipped my exercises a couple of times this week, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and we put together a dish of lasagna. Got ready for the day after that, and by the time I was back downstairs, it was time to put the lasagna in the oven.

Had lunch around noon, and watched a Lifetime Channel movie from DVR, while we ate..."Puppy Love," a lighthearted romance about a baseball player, whose dog goes missing while he's gone. The dog ends up in a pound, where he is adopted by a little girl and her mother, who are newly arrived in the community. Naturally, the baseball player finally finds the dog, and eventually he strikes up a romance with the girl's mother.

After the movie, Mother retired to the couch for a nap, and Hubbie and I went to the art gallery to work with the art council director in making etched Christmas ornaments. We worked until around 4:30, and made a dozen ornaments.

Learned today that in their wisdom, the chamber of commerce and the downtown business association have opted out of sponsoring a Christmas parade this year. Stated reason? Too much work. Christmas lights have been strung across main street, though, which are usually lighted in a ceremony at the municipal building just before the parade.

Funny: as usual the art council director delivered up a gem of fractured English when, as she urged us to take a free copy of our county's slick magazine, she commented, "It even fatures a cover photo of the mayor in all his livelihood." She meant "in all his glory," of course.

Back home, Mother was awake, but said she had only been awake a few minutes. It's good she had a few quiet hours to sleep and recover from our outing yesterday. It always takes her a while to get over an outing, even though she spends the whole time in her wheelchair. She doesn't get physically exhausted as much as she tires from the noise and activity around her.

As soon as we got back, she was ready to go to her house, so I accompanied her. At home, Hubbie and I watched TV, including a 2012 movie called "Transit." A family goes on a camping trip in the hope of ironing out differences. Instead, they are hunted by a bunch of thugs who have recently robbed a bank, the money of which somehow finds its way onto the family car luggage carrier. Now the family must work together to defeat the thugs.

The second movie we watched was, "The New World," starring Christopher Plummer. In this 2005 film, Captain John Smith, and Pocahontas, are integral to the 1605 founding of the Jamestown, Virginia, settlement.