Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday, Dec. 22

Wakeful last night, but got up around 7:30 this morning, anyway. Did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie acccompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and I gave her a twelve days of Christmas gift...a package of sliders for her walker, and a gift card for a haircut.

We didn't accomplish a lot before lunch. Once I was ready for the day, I went online to check the metal buttons from the department store, but neither was a winner this time.

Before lunch, we watched the animated feature, "Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus." Right after lunch, Mother headed to the couch. She wasn't in the mood to work on her jigsaw puzzle today.

While she slept, Hubbie and I ran the department store to use the $10 gift certificate I won yesterday to buy an on-sale red mock turtleneck shirt for me, and a package of handkerchiefs for Hubbie; and to the WDCS for groceries.

Back home, Mother was awake and ready to head to the kitchen, where I gathered the ingredients for her to make a batch of pimento cheese, and a couple of Italian Cream Cheese balls. While we did this we watched the movie musical, "Mrs. Santa Claus."

Later, I put sweet potatoes in the oven, and about 4:15 I added a dish of beans, and a dish of a few leftover fried potatoes and sauteed cabbage. After supper, I accompanied Mother to her house.

At home, I mixed and baked a rum cake, while Hubbie and I watched TV, including a Hallmark Christmas movie, and then our favorite basketball team, as they played to a wide-margin win.

I swear, I should be banned from the kitchen. Tonight, after I'd mixed the batter for the rum cake, I poured it into the pan and put it in the oven before I remembered that I hadn't sprinkled the chopped nuts into the bottom of the pan first. So I had to pour the batter out, wash the pan (well, actually, Hubbie washed the pan for me) and start over.

In the course of doing this, I sprayed the pan with Pam again...and the floor, too. Discovered it, when my foot slid on it. Hubbie got busy and washed the floor for me, since he could see I was getting a little put out with myself.

Snow a possibility for Christmas? Here in the south? Yikes!


Ann crum said...

Must be a day for kitchen woes. I prepared 3 machines worth of jalapeno cheese bread and forgot to use yeast! I had already let them run the cycle, and had them in pans for the final rise before baking when it hit me. I pulled them all out of the pans, mixed some yeast, warm water, and a little flour, kneaded it all together, and put them through their rise cycles again. It seems to have worked, but they would have been chicken feed if it hadn't!