Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday, April 22

Slept late, and skipped my exercises. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and soon after, we prepared veggies for the steamer. I washed yellow squash and zucchini, which she cut into chunks, along with an onion. Hubbie washed new potatoes, and I put the veggies into the steamer to cook for an hour or so.

While lunch cooked, we did our usual Sunday things. I washed a couple of loads of laundry. Hubbie went into the yard for a while, and Mother clipped coupons and worked on her jigsaw puzzle.

At noon, the veggies were ready. I made a batch of cornbread, and we were ready to sit down and enjoy the meal. Afterward, Mother went back to her puzzle, Hubbie returned to the yard, and I spent my afternoon reading my novel.

Around 4 p.m., Mother was ready to go home, so Hubbie accompanied her. The he and I relaxed with the Sunday newspaper, and later watched a couple of movies...really old ones that Hubbie had bought for a "bargain," if you could call them that, since they didn't translate well to big screen TV, and the background music sounded distorted.

Not a very exciting day.