Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday, May 18

We slept late, until 8 a.m. I skipped my exercises after breakfast, so I could get ready to go with Hubbie to an open house at a local car dealership around 10 a.m.

We browsed for a while looking at cars and trucks, though we aren't really in the market for new vehicles. I'm not crazy about the new color combinations...grey, white, and black cars sport black interiors, which seems to me would get really hot in the summertime. Trucks, too, have dark interiors.

We registered for door prizes...$200 gift cards, and then at 11 a.m., we got in line for the barbecue lunch. A local organization served the food, and we got four barbecue sandwiches, two hot dogs on buns, and a lot of baked beans and coleslaw, along with bags of chips, and drinks.

We brought the meal home, so Mother could enjoy it with us. There was enough food for us to have for supper, too.

While we were gone, Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle, and she continued to do this after lunch. Hubbie spent his afternoon working in the yard, and I spent my time burning photos to CDs and uploading them to an online photo storage site.

I also printed some photos from one of the CDs, partly to test the office computer CD burner/reader, and partly because I wanted backgrounds for making thank-you cards. The burner works now, thank goodness.

Besides working on my laptop, about all I accomplished was washing a couple of loads of laundry, and catching up on reading newspapers.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home after supper, and then he and I watched DVD movies borrowed from the library..."Ruth Rendell Mysteries," from BBC.