Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday, June 17

Today is Hubbie's birthday. Happy Birthday, Hubbie!

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics. In the dressing room, I talked with one of the lap swimmers who had finished her swim. She asked about the water aerobics member who died a couple of weeks ago, wondering where she was, since she hadn't seen her in several days.

When I told her the lady had died, she broke into tears. I mentioned that her obituary had been in the newspaper, but she said she never reads the newspaper. I felt bad that I delivered the news to her so bluntly. I guess I should have cushioned it a little.

But I'm amazed by the number of folks who say they don't read the local paper. How do they find out about anything going on in the community? I can understand relying on the Internet or TV for news, but we can only get local news from the local newspaper.

About 20 of us showed up for aerobics today, minus the regular leader, who has a bug. The pool was cool, but not intolerable, and I enjoyed the session, led by the lady who usually leads us in water noodle exercises.

Lately, I've been wearing a swimsuit I've had for a long time, but have only worn a couple of times. It's bright yellow, with big flowers on it. The ladies seem to like it. They even encourage me to work out with a bright yellow water noodle, because, they say, it makes me look like a "ray of sunshine." Yellow is a happy color, and lately we've needed anything that lifts our mood.

I learned that today and Wednesday are the only days we will have aerobics this week, and then we will be out all next week, because the coach/lifeguard has something he has to do during all that time.

Back home, after a couple of cups of coffee, I headed to the shower. In the meantime, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house.  She hadn't worked on her jigsaw puzzle in a few days, so she was ready to get back to it today.

I didn't accomplish much before lunch. During lunch, Mother and I presented Hubbie with birthday cards and gift cards. I also gave him scratch-off tickets, on which he won $15.

Right after lunch, thunderstorms cropped up, bringing lightning, thunder, and drenching rain. We got about an inch, and for a short time, the yard and the front porch were flooded.

When the rain abated, Hubbie and I ran errands. First, we went to the library to take back four DVDs and pick up four more. From there, we went to a department store to spend a $10 gift certificate we got at the silent auction last Friday night. I found an on-sale, very light weight, long-sleeve, teal plaid blouse that will be great for air-conditioned places this summer. I never go to stores, doctor's offices, or restaurants in summer without something to throw over my arms.

Then we went to another department store to take back the jeans I bought for Mother last week. She tried them on and found they were too small. So I exchanged them for the next size up.

Went to the WDCS after that to pick up a few grocery items. Stopped at the gas station then. The last stop was to the gas station/convenience store where I bought the scratch-offs, so Hubbie could cash them in.

We headed home after that. It was 3:30 by then. I began reading the mighty stack of newspapers that have been gathering since last Thursday. Shortly after 4 p.m., I started supper...fried chicken to go with leftover potato salad, baked beans, and coleslaw.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home after supper, and then he and I watched TV, including a movie called "Wimbledon," a 2004, PG-13, comedy/romance/sports film. It was cute, and we enjoyed it.