Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday, June 19

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics. I was anxious to go to the session today, since the pool will be closed until July 1. The powers-that-be decided to save some money, I guess, by jumping the gun and turning the temperature to pool way down, because it was pretty chilly today. Hm-m-m...two cliches in one sentence. I think that's a record for me.

Our regular leader was still out sick, so the substitute led the session. During the water noodle exercises, one of the ladies lost control of her noodle and ended up head first in the water. Somehow, she got all tangled with the noodle and could do nothing but flail about trying to right herself. Some other ladies near her finally got her upright, spluttering and embarrassed, but okay.

This same lady suffered a severe leg cramp on Monday and struggled to hold onto the side of the pool while she walked along and finally exited. I was very concerned for her, so when she left early today, I did too, to be sure she was okay in the dressing room.

Back home, I enjoyed a couple of cups of coffee, got ready for the day, and then gathered supplies for scrapbooking and card making tomorrow.

I want to offer refreshments tomorrow, so I tried to locate a chocolate cake I bought at the Scottish Festival. Actually, I sent Hubbie to look for it, since he was the one who put it away in one of the freezers. Naturally, he couldn't find it, so he waltzed me out to our freezer to show me it wasn't there.

Well, it would have been difficult to find anything in that jumbled freezer, so I said that today might be a good time to take everything out of the unit, and thaw it, since it was thick with ice. Hubbie stowed everything in two big ice chests, and then when the freezer was ready to re-load, I helped organize the food into categories of fruits, vegetables, meats, and miscellaneous.

Still no cake, though. Hubbie said he looked through Mother's freezer, but didn't find it there, either, so I gave up, thinking I must have been mistaken about purchasing the cake in the first place.

Later, Mother prepared veggies for the steamer...potatoes, yellow squash, carrots, onions, celery, broccoli, and cauliflower. Some of the veggies were from the veggie tray I served at Hubbie's birthday party Saturday. This was a good way to use them.

While the veggies steamed, I relaxed a while,  read the newspapers, and played on my e-tablet.

Just before I was ready to serve supper, I baked a pan of canned biscuits, which we had with a choice of honey or three-berry jelly.

Hubbie and I accompanied Mother to her house, since I wanted to take another look in her freezer to see if I could find that frazzling chocolate cake. I did. It was in a plastic bag at the back of the bottom shelf. Hubbie had not even looked in that bag, even though he's the one who put it there.

So now the cake is thawing, and will be ready to serve at the scrapbook club meeting tomorrow.

Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including a 2010 western called "6 Gun." It won't win any awards, but Hubbie still enjoyed it.

Followed that with  a 2001 crime drama called, "Tempo," starring Melanie Griffith.