Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday, July 21

Slept late, until around 8 a.m. Skipped my exercises, as usual on Sunday. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30. She diced onions and celery to be added to a pot of chicken. I set the chicken to simmering, and then I found another jigsaw puzzle for her to work on.

I spent the rest of the morning washing a couple of loads of clothes, programming the DVR for this week's movies and shows, and reading the Sunday newspaper.

Besides boiled chicken, we had leftover macaroni and cheese, green beans, and steamed squash for lunch. Afterward, Mother diced onions and banana peppers to be added to the green beans we'd snapped yesterday. I also added cans of chicken broth and beef broth to the beans, as well as spices. Cooked two dutch ovens of them, which we packaged for the freezer when they had cooled.

We spent the afternoon watching the remaining season three episodes of "Wind at My Back." Around 3 p.m., we decided to celebrate National Ice Cream Day with ice cream sundaes...vanilla ice cream topped with chocolate sauce and maraschino cherries.

When we had finished watching the series, Mother was ready to go home, so Hubbie accompanied her.

Finished the day blobbed out in front of TV, but I broke for a little while to call a friend from water aerobics.

This lady is the one who stands beside me during aerobics. She's 83 years old, and sort of repetitive, so I've heard her family stories a lot of times, but she's very nice. She's shared house plants with us, and has given me several Sudoku books, and I've given her quarts of grapes from the grape festival, etc.

Well, she hasn't attended sessions in about two weeks, and we all began worrying about her, so I called to see if she's okay. She is, and she plans to come back to the pool tomorrow. But she's been mending from injuries she received when her lawn mower threw her. She banged up her knee pretty good, and got a black eye. After she fell, the lawn mower kept going, and when it stopped, she had to crawl to it to pull herself up. I'm glad she didn't have to lie in her yard until someone discovered could have been hours!