Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday, July 25

Slept late, until around 8 a.m., though Hubbie got up at 7 a.m. Did stair stepping exercises after breakfast. Skipped the resistance and weights exercises, because I was bit sore after yesterday's workout at the pool. We changed our exercise routine there, and I guess I worked some flabby muscles.

It was a nice day today...warm, but not overly humid. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30. She finished her jigsaw puzzle, while I got ready for the day. Hubbie ran errands during this time.

Spent the rest of the morning after I was dressed trying to download an e-book to my reader from the public library. In the past, it was a one-click operation. But today, I learned that I needed to download a special app through a popular online book seller, because the books the library offers are routed through that seller. After several false starts, I finally got the app downloaded.

Still couldn't access the book, though, and had to puzzle out the fact that I needed to download the library address to the app. I guess that is so that I can choose the books I want from that library site, and then the info is routed to the book seller site.

At last, the book downloaded to my e-reader. I'm not sure why I bothered with all this, since I have a number of books on my reader already, and a plenitude of print books. I guess it was just the novelty of the thing that attracted me.

Also, the book I downloaded is a very easy read...a mystery with a heroine who owns a pastry shop, so pastries come into play in the book, along with the occasional recipe for those treats. I've read two other books by this author. They are fun novels, but not ones I'd want to own.

After a chicken soup lunch, Hubbie and I went to his niece's house to visit with her and another niece, who is visiting here from Sweden. She and her two pre-teen sons, will be in the states until sometime in August. Along with the nieces and their kids, we also visited with Hubbie's two sisters.

Mother opted not to go with us this afternoon. We returned around 4:30, in time for me to prepare supper. Mother helped by slicing tomatoes. I heated baked beans, and served them with macaroni salad, and a side of veggies...tomatoes, cucumbers, and Vidalia onions topped with cottage cheese.

I accompanied Mother home afterward, and then Hubbie and I watched TV, including a mystery movie from the PBS channel.