Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday, Aug. 23

Had trouble going to sleep last night, so 6 a.m. rolled around way too soon. But I dragged myself out of bed anyway to get ready to go to water aerobics.

The pool was cool, but not cold, and I enjoyed it. Nineteen of us showed up for the session, including one lady who has been away for a long time battling a colon problem that nearly carried her off.

Interesting: there are now four of us at the pool with my name...must have been a popular baby name back in the day.

I treated myself to a new swimsuit, purchased a few weeks ago at an online site that specializes in sturdy swimwear, and started wearing it Monday. The suit is navy blue with a bodice striped in green and aqua colors. It's guaranteed to not fade, and to give at least 300 hours of swim time without stretching out. I hope so, because other swimsuits I've bought faded and stretched out in only a couple of months in a chlorinated pool. To get more use from them, I either wore underwear with them, or threw a pair of shorts on over them.

This new suit is fully lined, unlike regular ones. It's comfortable to wear, too, but not easy to get into....I have to wriggle into it like a girdle. A couple of other ladies at the pool have similar swimsuits from the same online site, and they said they also have trouble wriggling into them.

We've noticed that the pool no longer smells like chlorine, though, so we think it is being treated with some other chemical. Hopefully it is one that is gentle on swimsuits. At least I don't smell like a swimming pool after our sessions. No matter how much soap I used in showering before, the odor of chlorine persisted. Now, my skin has no odor from the pool.

Back home after aerobics, I relaxed with a cup of coffee, while Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. Before I went upstairs to get ready for the day, I gathered ingredients for making another recipe of mushroom soup, since I still had quite a bit of fat-free half-and-half in the fridge.

Mother was ready for a job to do, so she went ahead and sliced the mushrooms, and diced onions. Once those were ready, I decided I might as well go ahead and make the soup. When it was done, around 10:30, I went upstairs.

An hour later, I was ready to think about getting lunch on the table. We had Chinese chicken soup and crackers. Afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie ran errands, and I worked on a financial report for the Extension Homemakers.

This is a report required by the federal government, in which all clubs must give an accounting of their treasuries. Ours is so inconsequential that it's almost laughable that we have to report it. Nevertheless, I gave a line-by-line accounting ($3 received in monthly dues, $4 spent on Christmas stockings for children, etc.).  Fortunately, I've kept accurate records, making it easier to report.

After that, I caught up on reading newspapers, and otherwise goofed off until time to prepare supper. Tonight's meal was breakfast for supper. Hubbie did the honors of making French toast, and I fixed bacon and scrambled eggs, heated syrup and coffee, set the table, etc.

Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then we watched more episodes of "One Tree Hill."