Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, Sept. 13

Friday the 13th. No particular bad luck today, unless having to buy a new microwave when the old one bit the dust can be considered bad luck. I don't think's just a coincidence. The old unit was about 32 years old, so it's a wonder it didn't fizzle sooner.

We were up at 6 a.m. this morning, so I could go to water aerobics. Nice cool morning for walking to the gym. It won't be much longer, though, until I'll need to change out of shorts and t-shirt to something a bit more snuggy.

Twenty-three of us showed up today. Usually, there aren't as many on Fridays, but since the pool will be closed all next week, I guess folks wanted to get in one more good workout before time off.

The water was warmer, so it was quite pleasant. Following our usual aerobics routine, we used weights for a session. None of us are fond of these. We prefer the noodles. I managed to get a couple of green weights that exactly match the color of one of the stripes in my swimsuit, so several ladies commented on it. I hadn't even noticed what color I grabbed, but I quipped, "I put a lot of thought into it."

Back home, I relaxed with a couple of cups of coffee, and then went upstairs to get ready for the day. In the meantime, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. She went to her jigsaw puzzle, while I got ready for the day.

At lunch, I made bean sandwiches for Hubbie and me. I mashed the remainder of the leftover beans and ham, to which I added some mustard. Heated the beans in the microwave, then spread the mixture on bread-round halves. Topped the beans with slices of cheese, and melted the cheese in the microwave. Added slices of Vidalia onion and the other halves of the bread. Good sandwiches. Mother had her usual Ramen noodle soup.

Served slices of fresh peaches for dessert. Today, I did not find a peach worm on my plate, as I did a couple of days ago. It was a very tiny thing, and I wouldn't have even known it was there if it hadn't moved. I'd already eaten the peaches. I guess the worm had crawled to the edge of the plate earlier, though I probably wouldn't have noticed if I'd devoured it along with a peach slice. Today, though, I minutely inspected the peach slices before I served them. I know that tiny worm couldn't have hurt me, but it hurts my feelings that I might have eaten it. Ick!

We decided we wanted coffee with lunch, so we heated cups of it in the microwave. That's when we heard a weird noise in the unit. Uh-oh, not good. When an appliance as old as that one makes a funny noise, it can mean only one thing...time for a new one.

So right after lunch, Hubbie and I went shopping. There aren't many places in town to buy appliances, but we found a suitable one at our second stop. It's black and chrome, so it nicely matches the other appliances in our kitchen.

After we bought the microwave, we went to a grocery store for a few items, including this week's free item, a box of five packages of some sort of breakfast trail mix.

Back home, Hubbie and I lugged the old, very heavy, microwave out of the corner, and replaced it with the new one, which is much lighter. I removed the ceramic tray in the old microwave (looks useful), and then helped Hubbie wrangle it onto a dolly.

I have to be very careful about lifting and lowering heavy weights, because of my tricky back. Hubbie commented that the microwave, which he'd carried into the house by himself when we bought it 32 years ago, seemed heavier today. I reminded him that he has 32 more years on him. The old unit is destined for the recycling center (the microwave, not Hubbie).

Relaxed after that and read today's newspapers. Sad: our local paper announced that the husband of Mother's and my good friend died yesterday. He was 86 years old, and had been having medical problems, but our friend hadn't mentioned that he was that seriously ill.

She lives in Springfield, MO, but the visitation and funeral will be in our town, since they lived here for many years before moving. The visitation is scheduled for two hours before the funeral at the church, so we have decided we will attend that at 10 a.m., rather than the funeral. This is a well-known couple in town, so there will be many, many people there.

Later, for supper, we had leftover veggie soup, with jam muffins. Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then he and I watched TV, including episodes of "One Tree Hill."