Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, Sept. 12

Slept late, until nearly 8 a.m. After breakfast, Hubbie got ready to go to a Master Gardener meeting, and I did stair stepping exercises. Before he left, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house.

She went to her jigsaw puzzle, while I got ready for the day. Once I was dressed, I searched for and printed attractions information to a town we will visit in a few weeks. Downstairs, I gathered items necessary for re-doing the batch of pepper jelly we made yesterday, which didn't jell.

Hubbie returned home at noon, and we had a lunch of meatloaf sandwiches again, while Mother opted for her usual Ramen noodle soup.

Hubbie reported that he'd learned at the MG meeting that a couple of recent house fires in our town were suspected to have started from electronic device chargers being left plugged in when not in use. It inspired us to go around the house making sure all the chargers were unplugged. I also posted the information to my social network page.

After lunch, Mother wanted to help with the jelly project, and I carefully watched as she measured ingredients. The jelly looks beautiful, but I still have reservations about it setting correctly. I'll know tomorrow afternoon. If it doesn't jell, I guess Hubbie will have four jars of pepper jelly syrup to use with meats.

Mother went back to her puzzle afterward, and Hubbie went to visit his sister and niece at Niece's house. I read newspapers, played on my e-reader, and basically goofed off.

Later, I heated leftovers for supper...beans and ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, and biscuits, with a side of tomatoes from the garden. It was a very odd supper, but it sufficed.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then he and I watched TV, as usual, including episodes of "One Tree Hill." We also watched the football team from Hubbie's Alma mater, as they played to a win.