Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday, Oct. 19

Br-r-r...cold morning. I didn't want to get out of my warm bed. But Hubbie was scheduled to go help the Master Gardeners with a bulb sale at 8 a.m., so we hauled ourselves out.

After breakfast, and once Hubbie had left, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. When I was ready for the day, I accompanied Mother to our house.

I didn't have a major project planned for today, so we decided to make an apple cake, using a recipe I found online. I peeled apples, and Mother diced them. Then she helped measure the rest of the ingredients. I put it together and baked it. It didn't come out cake-like, but more the consistency of fruit bars.

Once the recipe was out of the oven, it was time for lunch. I heated the rest of the chicken noodle soup for Mother, and leftover sweet potatoes and corn-on-the cob for myself. I added Chinese beets to my plate. When Hubbie came home, he had a ham and cheese on rye bread sandwich, and chips.

We all sampled the apple cake. It's good, but Hubbie said it wasn't very sweet...that's probaby because I used sugar substitute in the recipe. He might enjoy it more with whipped topping or caramel sauce.

This afternoon, I intended to go to the museum to see the animal exhibits...wolves, birds of prey, and the large fish aquarium...but since it was such a cool day, Mother opted out, and when Hubbie got home, he fell asleep in his recliner right after lunch, so I gave up the idea.

Mother went to her puzzle after lunch, and I vegged with today's newspaper and my e-tablet.

Later, for lack of any other idea for supper, I peeled, sliced, and fried potatoes, and made biscuits and gravy to go with them. Not a very healthy supper, but it tasted good.

Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then we watched our favorite college football team as they played to an expected wide-margin loss.