Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday, Oct. 13

Slept late, until around 8 a.m. Skipped my exercises and went ahead and got dressed. After breakfast, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. I had nothing scheduled for the day, so we watched the musical movie, "Cats."

Around 10:30, Hubbie washed sweet potatoes, and split butternut squash. I seasoned the squash with margarine and brown sugar, and then put the vegetables in the oven.

Lunch was ready by noon. We had the sweet potatoes and squash with the Chinese beets and the green beans I prepared yesterday. It was a very satisfying fall meal.

Afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie made a run to the WDCS, and I read the Sunday newspaper.

Mid-afternoon, Mother was ready to go home, and Hubbie accompanied her. Then we went to the college to walk around the lake four times, or the equivalent of a mile.

Back home, we watched episodes of  "One Tree Hill."

It was a pleasant if unexciting day, but tomorrow will be a bit busier. The guy who is to work on the stairwell should be here around 8 a.m (fingers crossed). We'll need to be up really early, not only for that, but because Hubbie is scheduled to go with a group of Master Gardeners on a special tour in the capital city. Hope all goes well for both events.

Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, other than calling the scrapbook club members to cancel our meeting for next Thursday, since the house will probably be in chaos. Maybe I'll find something to do in the kitchen, if there's not a lot of dust from the stairwell.